Forever Yours prt. Two

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It had been weeks.

Weeks since she had been put here against her will. Weeks since she began fighting herself to not fall for this fantasy he was trying to make. Did anyone notice? They had to have. Her friends, her family, her fans- and somebody had to have noticed her absence.

It sure didn't feel like it..

But it takes time, right? Maybe..any day now police would be barging in and she'd be rescued. Cory couldn't get away with this. He was...he was sick, and clearly, he needed some sort of help...and maybe she did too. A normal person in this situation wouldn't be complying as much. Not without some sort of defiance, but every time he came down to bring her food or take her to the bathroom, she'd just...follow along. Sai kept telling herself it was part of a plan. To trick him into thinking she was on his side. That way, he'd let her roam the house without being cuffed, and she could escape.


'You don't really want to you?'

She groaned in annoyance, falling back onto the bed and letting out a sigh. Her mind was so rattled and scattered. Anytime the idea of getting out of here crossed her mind, she'd end up overthinking whether that's what she wanted. It was obvious, least it should be obvious.

Outside of kidnapping her...Cory had been treating her almost like normal. He'd come down for a few hours to stay with her and try to talk. It'd turn into him just talking about his day until he'd offer to play some games or watch something. The room he kept her in wasn't completely empty - the opposite, in fact. He gave her a TV, a PS5, a mini fridge with some snacks and drinks, some plushies that...she remembered telling him she liked in the past. It was decorated in her style, like he remembered every detail of her own home and brought it into this room...

It was almost flattering.

Sai was taken out of her thoughts when she heard the door unlocking. Cory came in rather aggressively, slamming the door closed behind him and leaning his back against it with a shuddered breath. The entire time she had been there, Cory was nothing but kind and sweet, patient as ever. So for him to come in didn't bode well in her mind. Sitting up, Sai looked over at him with a hint of worry in her eyes. Was it towards him or for her safety? She couldn't tell you, but it felt natural to ask him, "Are..are you ok...?"

He closed his eyes for a moment, rubbing a hand over his face as if he was troubled. There was a moment of silence before he pushed himself off the door and started to make his way towards her. She subtly moved back as far as she could on the bed before he reached it, sitting down near her and putting his head in his hands. Sai wanted to pry and ask again, and another part of her wanted to comfort him, but she was still being cautious.

She could barely hear him as he muttered something under his breath, so she stayed still before he ended up repeating himself. "...need you."

Sai tilted her head in confusion, "Need me..? For what?" She flinched slightly when he turned to face her suddenly. He still looked upset, but there was a hint of something else in his eyes.

"Sai, I love you.."

She nodded in understanding, "I know."

"No...I love you..." Cory said with emphasis. He reached his hand out and placed it on her thigh, his thumb rubbing against her exposed skin since she had on pajama shorts. He kept his eyes on hers, and she couldn't really look away. It was like he was waiting on her to say it back to him, so she did. "I love you too - mm!"

In an instance, his lips were on hers. She let out a startled noise because of it and placed her hands against his chest to push him away... but she ended up not doing that at all. The kiss felt urgent, frantic. It was filled with a longing that he obviously had for her, and whatever had happened with him earlier might have triggered it. Did she feel endangered? No. Did she want him to stop?


When he did pull away, they both stared at each other in a sort of trance. So much confusion was going through her mind. She felt so stressed out with trying to figure out how to escape or whether or not she'd be rescued. She just wanted a moment to not have to think at all..

And if it meant getting that from the source of her problem...then so be it.


There was a weird yet comforting feeling in the air as she laid on Cory's chest, hearing his heart start to go back to a resting beat just like her own. Whatever euphoric feeling that was flowing through Sai's veins was starting to fade away slowly, and now she was second-guessing her whole situation. What she did - what they wasn't out of want. It wasn't. This was just another part of her plan...

Why did this feel natural, though?

'You know there's no one else. No one knows you like he does. No one loves you like he does - like he will..'

Sai hated how that sounded. Could she see herself with anyone else? No, but this was...what was this? At what point was she not a victim anymore? She closed her eyes, feeling them start to water under the frustration. Cory must've felt something was off because he started to rub her back in a soothing manner. There was no reason for that to feel nice - it shouldn't! Nothing with him should feel good!

"Aw, baby, you're crying..." He sat the both of them up and pulled her closer into his arms, the blanket slipping off her shoulders in the process. The cool air of the room touching her exposed skin was the least of Sai's worries, though, as she was cuddled up against him. She sniffled and felt a shudder run through her as she tried to calm herself down. It wasn't like crying would help anything, and she was so tired of it.

A few more minutes had gone by like this until Cory decided they needed to get cleaned up. He offered to carry her over to the bathroom, and she silently complied, letting him scoop her up in his arms once again. She heard him talk to her about...something...but it was obvious to even herself that she was starting to tune everything out. Was this dissociation? Her brain felt like TV static and sounded like it, too. She only came back to reality when she felt the warm water from the shower start to hit her skin.


Sai looked up at Cory, who noticed and smiled softly at her, pushing some stray wet hair out her face. She was sure there wasn't an exactly happy look on her face, but it didn't seem to phase him. Another familiar kiss was placed on her forehead before she felt a soapy loofah come in contact with her. The scent was from her favorite body wash. It was always sold out - he'd have to have gone out of his way to find it...

Maybe.. this was meant to be. It felt like he was devoted to her. He'd wait hand and foot, in rain or snow, whatever she demanded. Who else would do that? Not many.

He said over and over that she was his, but..

He was also hers.

She didn't like the little smile that gave her.

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