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It's now the first of November.  Halloween was fun. Tommy and I took Molly around to trick or treat and she hit the jackpot with all the candy that she got.  She is so sweet she shared with me and Tommy.  She wanted us to walk up with her at each house. She has so much energy and that is without eating a bunch of sugar, so she wore us out.  Tom's mom went with us, but she didn't walk up with us. She would stand on the sidewalk.  Sometimes Tom stood back with her, letting just me and Molly go up.

Tom took me to a college party the night before Halloween. It was one all the football guys were going to.  It was a costume party. He wanted to make sure it was ok if we went and I told him it was fine, I just worried with it being a costume party, if we got separated. He promised me that we would not be separated.

Tom told me he wanted to get another costume for that one, since the pirate one was mainly for Molly because it made her laugh, when he put it on.  He wanted a vampire costume, and I was to go as a princess.  I asked him why he is always wanting me to wear a princess costume and he told me because I was his princess.  He's so sweet.

Molly thought his vampire costume was scary. She said, "Don't let him kiss you Maddie."

That made me laugh, and Tom was like very funny.

Tom got fake teeth that looked like they had blood dripping from them. He said that my neck was his target and since he really needed to look the part, at this party, he was going to be kissing my neck the whole entire time.  I couldn't complain about that. 

It's Monday night, and Mia texted me.  We had already had dinner and were back at our house

Mia texted, "hey Maddie, if you aren't busy with Tommy sometime this week, could you please come see me. I need to talk to you, it's not a big deal though, no rush. Love you."

I said, "Tommy I need to go back to the house."  

He said, "okay I'll come with you."

I said, "Tom you should stay here. And study. Mia is wanting to talk to me, and"

He said 'And she probably just wants to talk to you without me huh."  

I said, "I won't be long. I love you."

I kissed him and he said, "I love you."

I went and Molly was  taking a bath. Margaret was in the living room. She said, "hi honey did you forget something?"

I said, "no Mia texted that she needed to see me."

She said, "oh she is up in her room."

I went upstairs.  Knocked on Mia's door.

She said, "Come in mom"

I opened the door. I said, "I'm not your mom can I come in"  She laughed.

She said, "yes, but you didn't need to come over right away. I'm sorry."

I said, "Mia don't be sorry."

She said, "you need time alone with Tommy. I know that you miss him and he misses you."

I said, "Mia. Yes we are both busy but you know that whenever you need me I'm here. So is Tom."

She said, "I know. Thank you. But it wasn't I didn't mean for you to rush over."

I said, "Mia what did you want to talk to me about."

She took my hand and we went and sat on her bed.  She got up and went and opened her door looked out and then locked it and came back.

She said, "Is Tommy with you"

I said, "no he's studying."

She said, "I need your advice Madison."

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