You're Playing NBA In The Morning? I Thought Only I Did That.

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I've put a picture of Casey on the side thing. I really hope that you like it!!

I love feedback, comments and votes. They make me smile!! (:

Spread the beaverly love!

- Jack.

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   I woke up the next morning and jumped in the shower, well not literally, because that would have been dangerous, especially when considering how “good” I am at balancing. But you get the idea. I pulled on my jeans and threw on my purple Jagk tee, before running downstairs and inserting NBA 2K11 into my PS3 and began playing. I was in the middle of my game when I heard the doorbell ring.

   I got up and skipped, yes literally skipped, to answer it. As I pulled it open, I saw Casey. As soon as he saw me he smiled, adorably might I add.

   “Hi Skye, haha that rhymes.”

   “Hey Casey,” I replied pronouncing his name as Casay so that rhymed with ‘hi’. “That rhymed too.”

   “Hahaaa we have rhyming greetings.”

   “We sure do. So how may I help you this fine morning?” I asked.

   “Well my mom was wondering if you could give her directions to the nearest Wal-Mart.”

   “Sure, I’ll get my mom. Come in.” We both walked into the kitchen to find my mom ironing.

   “Why hello Casey, how are you?” she asked smiling and pausing what she was doing.

   “I’m fine thank you, how are you?”

   “I’m fine thank you Casey. So how may I help you both?”

   “Casey’s mom was wondering if you could give her directions to the nearest Wal-mart.”

   “Sure, I’ll just go and see her,” and with that, my mom put on her coat and said that she would be back in 5 minutes before walking out of the back door.

   “So, do you want to watch TV or something while we wait?” I suggested.

   “Sure,” he smiled and with that we both walked into the living room and I heard him giggle.

   “You’re playing NBA in the morning? I thought only I did that.”

   “Ahaaa, do you want to play?”

   “I don’t mind.”

   “I bet I can beat you,” I smirked.

   “No way, I could beat you with my eyes closed.”

   “Nu-uh,” I shook my head no.

   “The Challenge is on.” With that we both rushed to the controllers and started the game. We had many rematches and we were getting into winning so much that we started gently nudging each other while we were playing and covering each other’s eyes. It had come down to what we had called our “Final Super Last Mega Match Final” We shook hands before our game, trying not to crack up as we did so. Then it started. We were shouting out comments and meaningless insults, just 1 minute left and we were drawing. Someone had to score. 10...9...8...

   “BBBOOOOOO!!” We both yelped at the noise behind us and dropped our controllers. The buzzer went off signalling the end of the game. We had drawn. We looked behind us and saw my brother in stitches. I gave him the most horrible glare that I could have given anyone.

   “Hey Casey,” he waved.

   “Hi,” Casey waved back.

   “I’m going to go in the kitchen before she kills me with her eyes,” he laughed at me.

   “It looks like we drew,” he said.

   “I demand a rematch,” I stated.

   “No can do, that was the ‘Final Super Last Mega Match Final’ meaning no rematches.”

   “No exceptions?”

   “I wish there was.”

   “I suppose we did shake on it.”

  “So we both win,” he held out his hand

   “We both win,” I smiled at him and shook his hand in agreement. His smile was adorable. Then our moms walked in.                                                                                                                                                                        

   At that moment I realised that my mom had been gone for far longer than 5 minutes. I looked at my watch; she had been over an hour.

   “Sorry I’ve been gone so long,” she smiled.

   “Are you ready you two?” Sharon asked us. “We’re all going to Wal-Mart. Your mom needs to go shopping too Skye, so we thought it would be nice if we all go.” We nodded.

   “Where’s Michael?” my mom asked.

   “In the kitchen,” I replied, before both my mom and Sharon went in search of him.

   Casey and I looked at each other, “ROADTRIP!” we announced in unison high-fiving each other for about the millionth time today.

   We waited for Michael to get dressed before we all filed into the car: Sharon and my mom in the front, Matthew and Michael in the seat behind and Casey and myself in the seats right at the back. The car journey was about half an hour and Casey and I were rather fidgety. I wasn’t good with long journeys and it looked as if Casey was the same. We started off playing eye spy and ended up playing our own variations of rock, paper, scissors. I think the best variation that we came up with was squid, toast, mouse. This worked by the squid being allergic to the toast, the toast being eaten by the mouse and the mouse being inked by the squid. But it worked...kind of.

   We finally reached our destination and as we went past the big Wal-Mart sign, Casey, Michael and I all cheered and whooped. Finally we could escape the enclosures of the car, we ran into Wal-Mart and our moms said that they would find us when they were finished. We rushed around all of the isles like little children.  

   “20 QUESTIONS!” announced Casey. “You start!”

   “Ahaa okay,” I replied. “What’s your favourite colour?”

   “Orange. What’s your favourite food?”


   “That doesn’t count as food,” he complained as I laughed at him.

   “Yes it does, it’s edible.”

   “Well you can eat a leaf but you wouldn’t call it food.”

   “Try lettuce or salad?”

   “But they’re not really leaves from a tree, so what’s your favourite food?”

   “Fine,” I laughed at him. “It’s pizza.”

   “Cool, mines candyfloss,” he laughed as I nudged him gently, a huge grin spread across both of our faces.

   “What’s your favourite subject?”

   “History, English and music.”

   “Same,” we high fived each other. We played 20 questions for a long time, but it ended up being more than 20 questions. As I found out more about him, I realised that we had so much more in common than I first thought. He was also very interesting; I wanted to know more about him. I just needed to think of some more questions.

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