My Bestest Friend

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This is kind of a filler chapter as I have been stuck for ideas lately. But now I know where this story is going and I hope to be uploading more soon as I seem to have my homework under control. 

The video on the side is "More Than Now" from Canterbury. I absolutely love Canterbury and you should definitely go and listen to them. Also the picture on the side is of a newly introduced character Jeydon. I have used a picture of Jeydon Wale as I absolutely adore him and I absolutely adore the name Jeydon. 

Send me some love!! I will be uploading sooner if I get a positive response, meaning votes and comments. Please? It would mean a lot to me! Thank you my little raccoon clan! Spread the beaverly love, Jack xx

P.S. ENJOY!! (Sorry it's just a filler.)


   It was around five o’clock and everyone was slowly making their way back home. It had been a fun day, especially with all of the help that Hayden had been receiving from a special someone (That person of course being Axel). Jasey had managed to get him to help Hayden in every way possible. He made her a sandwich, he helped her up and down the stairs and he even offered to make her dinner later. Hayden was of course capable of doing all of this by herself and felt extremely embarrassed when Jasey insisted that she needed help.

   Before leaving, Kyo had suggested that we all visit Six Flags at the weekend, as it would be something fun for us all to do together. We had all agreed to ask our parents’ permission. I really hoped that I would be allowed to go as I hadn’t been there in absolutely ages.

   I got home and Michael was sitting on the sofa playing on the PS3 with his friend Jeydon, they were killing some zombies of some sort and as I entered the room Jeydon cheered loudly, obviously meaning that he was in the lead.

   “Hey sis,” Michael said waving his remote at me.

   “Hey Skye, how are you doing?” Jeydon greeted, pausing the game to get up and greet me. He high-fived me and then pulled me into hug, me hugging him back tightly. I absolutely adored my brother’s friends; they were always so nice to me and like family.

   “I’m great thanks, what are you two up to tonight?”

   “Well Jey is staying the night and we’re going to watch some movies later, you want to join us?” he asked.

   “Sure thing.”

   “Hey, you should ask Casey to come too,” he added. I decided that that seemed like a good idea, so I called up Casey and he agreed. He was due to be here any second. While Michael was explaining to Jeydon who Casey was, I heard the doorbell ring and I ran to answer it.

   I flung open the door and threw myself at Casey hugging him just as tight as I had hugged Jeydon if not tighter and to my happiness he hugged me right back. I pulled away with an uncontrollably goofy grin spread across my face; I was met with his grin as he spoke:

   “You missed me huh?”

   “I sure did,” I took hold of his hand and pulled him inside. I skipped with him following behind me in fits of laughter into the living room. “Jeydon, this is my bestest friend Casey, Casey, this is my brother from another mother Jeydon.” They both greeted each other and then I, still holding onto his hand, pulled Casey down onto the sofa next to me as the other two continued playing on the PS3.

   “So I’m your ‘bestest friend’ now am I?” he whispered in my ear as not to disturb their game, poking me in the stomach making my grin grow. I nodded laughing a little and he smiled an adorably lopsided grin at me. He was too cute for his own good. I just looked at him and he looked at me, we sat in silence, but it was comfortable.

   We were pulled out of our little space out session and looked at the smirking boys in front of us. What was up with them?

   “Jeez, how long does it take to get you two out of your little world? You’re both as bad as each other,” they laughed. “Anyways, we’re about to start the movie now. We’re watching The Hangover.” We both agreed to the movie and snuggled up closer to each other. That night we watched movies until I was no longer sure of what time it was.

   I woke up the next morning to find myself on the sofa and next to Casey. Casey was sound asleep and looked absolutely and completely adorable. I snuggled back up to him and went back to sleep. He was just so comfortable. 

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