Hunter's plans aren't the best

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Casey's P.O.V.

   As we all made our way over to Skye I realised that she was talking with a guy. A blonde guy; a blonde guy that I didn’t know.

   “Hey, who’s that?” I asked the others as we were approaching her. I soon found out that no one else knew who it was either. So this blonde guy was a stranger, I knew I should have stayed with her. As we got closer Skye and the guy went their separate ways, Skye making her way over to us. Jasey asked her who the guy was and she explained that they were just talking while they waited. Then Jasey commented on his so called “cuteness” and Skye agreed. That made my heart sink a little. So she thought that Blondie was a cutey-patutey? Well that’s just swell isn’t it? Some stranger just walks up and wins her over? Now that means I gotta work extra hard if she’s going to see anything in me.

   I was sitting at a picnic table with the other guys while the girls had gone to the toilet. What was it with girls going to the toilet in groups? I was in deep thought eating my burger and then Hunter spoke up.

   “Looks like someone’s trying to steal your girl huh?” My head shot up and I looked at him curiously, urging him to continue. “I know what’s got you down in the dumps.”

   “I’m not down in the dumps,” I defended.

   “Sure you’re not, and that blonde’s sun kissed hair is naturally that blonde.” I let out a small chuckle as I considered this. To be honest, it did look a little too blonde. Unnaturally blonde. “But you agree that he’s trying to steal your girl.”

   “What?” no way could he know that I liked Skye, had I been muttering to myself?

   “Well you denied being down in the dumps, but you didn’t deny that she was your girl. Catch my drift?” he was smirking now, resting his elbow on the table and his chin in his hand.

   “I-She’s-I didn’t-” I was completely tongue tied as how to reply. I took a deep breath and got my words clear in my mind. I was about to explain myself when I felt someone slide into the bench next to me. I looked up to see that it was Skye. She had a smile on her face, and I couldn’t help return it as she went back to eating her food.

   I looked up across the table to see Hunter wriggling his eyebrows at me, a cheeky grin evident on his face. I couldn’t help the blush that crept onto my cheeks. So I suppose Hunter knows.

   I was hoping that we wouldn’t be bumping into that phony blonde again, but just my luck it didn’t go my way. We were waiting for the concert that would be happening at Six Flags that night. The Ready Set was going to be there and we were all super pumped. I was content with the fact that we had no more run-ins with Blondie and everything was going great.

   Then out of nowhere, a mass of blonde hair that looked like it should belong in Glee or something popped up. It was him. Skye introduced us to him and told him who we all were. He greeted us all individually and when he waved at me I nodded my head curtly, not trusting myself to utter a word.

   He had his two friends with him, whose names escape me. I was just busy watching him and how close he was getting to Skye. He was literally all over her, making her laugh and she was smiling at him. That should be me that she’s smiling at, me making her laugh. Not him.

   “Casey, you look as if you could murder him.” I jumped as I realised how close Hunter was. I just shrugged. “You know, I don’t like him either, he seems...I don’t know. Something doesn’t seem right.” I was glad that I wasn’t the only one who felt this way about him.

   “You know, I think we should do something about this,” that was Kyo this time. So I suppose he knew too? “And I know exactly what to do.”

   I don’t know why, but for some reason, I didn’t have a good feeling about this.


   It was the day after the trip to the theme park and I was still annoyed over the fact that that Trent boy had managed to grab Skye’s attention. However, Hunter seemed to have a plan and came over to my house along with Kyo and Axel. He said it was for a bit of “guy time” but I on the other hand was sure that he had something a little more planned as well. But never mind, I suppose it would take my mind off of Trent... for a while at least.

   We were just messing around playing PS3 when Hunter ran over to his bag in the corner and pulled something out, hiding it behind his back. He walked back over to me a mischievous smile on his face and if I’m honest I was scared. Really scared.

   Before I could ask what was behind his back he pulled out a box of hair dye. I was somewhat relived... I mean it was a box of hair dye, what damage could it do?

   “So, you want to dye your hair?” I asked. “What colour is it?”

   “Blonde,” he replied.

   “Hmm...Are you sure that will suit you?” I asked, imagining him with bleach blonde hair. “Maybe you should go for something a little darker?”

   “Well it’s not for me,” he replied with a shrug.

   “Well then who is it for?” I asked confused as to why he would be carrying hair dye around if it wasn’t his.

   “For you, of course.”

   My mouth dropped open. Was he being serious? Why would I be dying my hair blonde? I didn’t want to dye my hair blonde.

   “Why is it for me?” I questioned.

   “To help you get Skye to fall for you,” he replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.


   “Look Casey, you said Skye likes Trent?” I nodded in agreement; after all I’m pretty sure that she did. I mean look at how close they were yesterday. “Well Trent’s blondes, so maybe she has a thing for blondes. Therefore you should die your hair blonde. Catch my drift?”

   And if I’m completely honest, no I wasn’t catching his drift. But I knew that Hunter was hard to disagree with when he got his mind set on something and I’m pretty sure that this wasn’t going to turn out too well. 

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Gah, I'm so sorry I haven't posted lately for this story, but I go on study leave in 2 weeks and hope to be updating more regularly and hope to finish this before the end of Summer. But anyway I really hope you like it and I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have stuck with this story. 

   Comments and Votes are very much appreciated.

   Stay Awesome!

      With Love, Jack xx

P.S. The video is All Time Low - Coffeeshop Soundtrack because Jack's skunk hair is back and I was screeching over it all day. Gah, it's so perfect. Anyways you should get in touch with me on my twitter @baratw4t or on my blog MWAH! 

So There's A New Boy Next Door...Did I Mention He's Rather Cute?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora