Friends and Foes?

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"Y/n" you say softly. You've never seen anyone like him before. His black hood is covering up a lot but his deep blue eyes piercing into yours creates this odd feeling in your stomach... or maybe that's just the pizza.

"Well Y/n, I was just coming in to get some snacks for my group, would you want to join me? You could have a nice shower, some clean clothes, maybe even a hair cut? And if you help me carry some snacks, you can have them too". His voice seems soft, you can't tell if he always is like this or if this is just pity. You were about to accept his offer when you hear a weird flapping sound. He hears this too and immediately ducks behind the isle. Only from your angle can he really be seen, it's a good hiding spot away from the doors.

A shorter, winged figure slowly pushes the front door open. His yellow hair messy in a pretty way, his yellow eyes wide with both fear and relief. His red wings looked big compared to his shorter stature. "H..Hi there, are you okay? My name is Hawks" He asked softly, putting his hands up to signal he's not a threat. There's sweat coming down his forehead, and you had an immediate sense that he already knows something about you.

You turn to look at Dabi and notice for the first time his face has two colors. He mouths "he's a hero". You try not to alert the hero that you were looking at someone. He senses your unease at his presence.

"Hey, hey.. look, I'm not here to hurt you. Just hear me out. I heard about you're existence and I've been looking for where you live so I could come and get you out of there, but you broke out of there yourself. Come with me and I'll get you help, maybe some new clothes, and you can decide what you're going to do next. How does that sound?"

"But I killed them. That's not what heroes like. You're going to hurt me". You're body tense, and you begin to change your stance for something more fight-ready. Hawks backs up just a little bit and puts his hands even higher into a defeated position.

"Woah there take an easy okay, I can promise you that I won't hurt you. No one will touch you. Your captors were villains, not heroes. No one knew they were villains, so they kept calling themselves heroes. You did the right thing by getting away. I promise I won't let that ever happen to you again". He gives a soft smile, it looks genuine and reassuring.

"And if I don't come with you, you'll let me walk away?" This question is important because if you don't have options, then you are no longer free. He hesitates, trying to come up with the right thing to say. He knows he simply cannot let you walk away.

"But walking away wont help you, I promise. You don't know how to survive in this world, I can promise a safe environment where you can learn and become independent" Hawks looks stressed, his nervousness seems genuine too. You look him up and down, his brown outfit looks rather baggy on his thin frame. The color nearly hiding the brown "energy resistant" bag from your prison now tucked into his back pocket. You're eyes widen and he notices, following your gaze to the little baggy halfway hanging from his pants.

The next few seconds happens so fast, he tries to stutter out "wait I can explain" but you're already moving towards him, the same darkness around your eyes as when you killed your captors. As he sees this he shoots feathers from his wings towards you, trying to pin you down without hurting you. You look up at him and grab one of the feathers, it crumbles to dust in your hands. Behind the shelf Dabi sees this and quickly turns the corner, shooting blue fire in one big cloud at Hawks, catching him extremely off guard and engulfing him in flames. Dabi runs to you, picks you up bridal style, and runs out the back entrance before the fire has a chance to die down. Hawks looks up to find you are nowhere to be found, and begins to truly panic.

Dabi's Weakness (Dabi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now