Breakfast, Finally

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After a brief explanation to the group of what the hell just happened, Dabi and Twice carried off Shigaraki to some other part of the house. Dabi promised Kurogiri that he wouldn't hurt Shiggy too bad, but immediately rammed his leg into the door frame on their way out.

"Whoops" Dabi said dryly, not bothering to hide the sarcasm. He's pissed, and wants answers. You explained before they took him away that you couldn't kill Shigaraki for some reason, but that he's going to be in loads of pain when he wakes in a few hours.

After about 20 minutes Dabi re-enters the kitchen to find you and Toga chatting away and what kind of clothes you might need and what to look for (well, more like Toga is doing all of the talking and you are just listening). You understand what underwear and shirts/gowns are for the most part, but you never had socks, shoes, a bra, or any sort of accessories. Of course your captors wore them, but they never bothered to give you any or explain what they are.

"Oh yeah, she needs clothes today. Toga, will you take her shopping after I make her breakfast? I'm going to stay behind and see what the fuck Shigaraki was trying to pull", Dabi speaks as he walks around the the counter and into the kitchen, his voice laced with anger with those last few words. Toga happily agrees to this and runs up stairs to start picking outside-appropriate clothes for the both of you.

Dabi opens the fridge to find the McDonald's bags you left in Toga's room last night and cracks a smile. You got so caught up in the shower thing you completely forgot about it. He pushes it aside and starts collecting what he needs to make pancakes. You sit on one of the stools on the other side of the counter and watch him without a word, just trying to take in what he's doing.

"Do you know if you like sweet food in the morning, or any coffee?" He turns to you with his ingredients in hands and begins setting them on his side of the counter. You shrug and he grabs two cups of coffee, pouring one to the top and handing it to you.

"Try it, and if you like that I'll let you have that one". You go to take a sip of the semi-hot, black coffee and the bitter taste hits the back of your tongue. You make a disgusted and yuck face and he can't help but laugh at you. "Not a fan, huh? Here, try this". He pours the second mug about half way full of the coffee and pours creamer in the rest of the way, mixes it with a spoon, and hands it to you. You gingerly take a sip, now more cautious about what it will taste like. The coffee smell and the sweet taste is unimaginably good, something you have never thought possible. You're body feels like it melts as you begin to chug this delightfully sweet cup.

"Hey slow down, you'll make yourself sick" he chuckles, grabbing the cup of black coffee away from you and taking a large sip. He begins to add in the ingredients and making a batter, heating up a pan on the stove.

"What are you doing?" You ask as you watch his every move curiously. He simply states "cooking" and continues his process while you watch, not even looking up at you as he speaks. After about 15 minutes he begins to make one pancakes and put on a plate, then two, three. Next plate he does the same thing, all rather quickly. He grabs the butter and syrup and puts a little bit of each on the first stack before handing it to you along with a fork and butter knife.

"Try it, they're called pancakes", he looks at you with a little excited spark in his eye, eager for you to try his cooking. You try to pick up the utensils, knowing how they work a little bit but never actually doing it yourself, seeing how you grab them he quickly moves around the counter to stand behind you and guides your hands to cut a few squares off the stack. He goes back to the other side to see your face as you put it in your mouth.

You try a bite and the soft and warm pancakes, mixed with the savory butter and sweet syrup feels like heaven in your mouth. He smiles as you tear up a little and just pause, savoring the taste that you wish could linger forever before swallowing it down.

"Do you like it?" He asks with a smile, one brow raised at your reaction. He already knows the answer, he just likes the praise. You nod your head excitedly and begin devouring the plate. He eats quickly beside you while he watches you tear into his cooking like it's the best food you've ever had, because it is.

After you two finish up eating he grabs the empty plates and begins to clean up his mess in the kitchen. A calm silence fills the air as you watch his every move, intrigued by everything he does. Watching his strong, calm figure scrub away at the dirty dishes. He seems serene when he cleans, it looks good on him.

Soon Toga comes down wearing some cute looking schoolgirl outfit. As they are not super well known yet, she can go out freely looking like this. She drags you away from the kitchen and takes you to her room, a nice floral dress and black converse are laid out for you. She lets you put the dress on, it has a bra built in so you don't have to borrow one of hers. She shows you how to put on and tie shoes, the feeling is uncomfortable and restricting but nothing too bad.

"Can I put some makeup on you?" Her cheerful smile grows bigger as you nod your head with a face of confusion. Without any more explaining she sets you in a chair and begins touching your face with some weird tools, mostly your eyelids.

"What is this, what are you doing?" She stops and tries to explain to you, but doesn't really care too much about if you understand. After a while she shows you a mirror and you look cute, big black lines and pretty colors make your eyelid sparkly and your eyes look even bigger. Your lips are way more red than you are used to, but it looks good. You smile at her and she smiles back, a bit of pride on her face.

Walking down and noticing Dabi is still in the kitchen, he looks up at you and pauses for a minute. He doesn't really care about makeup and frivolous "girly" things, but he does care about your confidence. And the dress and makeup does look really good on you.

"Damn girl, you look good", he says with a smile as you approach, blush rising to your cheeks at the compliment. He turns his focus to Toga, his voice dropping back to its usual uncaring tone.

"Get her a wardrobe a size or two bigger than what she currently is, now that she's getting a better diet she'll probably be more toned. And get her a swimsuit in case we actually go out at some point".

"Oh she can just have the one she showered in" Toga chimes in happily. Dabi thought about this for a second, imagining just how small and thin it is....

"No, it's too thin and stringy. That thing could come off too easily and it doesn't cover much". Toga smiles a knowing smirk

"Oh, really? So it is perfect for your eyes only then, right?" Toga jokes, winking at her friend.

"Yes" he shoots back plainly, surprising her with the directness. "Now, here's some cash. Do not steal or make a scene, she's already going to be lost in public. Don't draw any more attention to her than you need to. Also don't let her eat in public, it's messy and she doesn't have any table manners yet. If you need to eat, go somewhere more private. Hurry back".

He turns to you and his face immediately goes softer, as does his voice, "be careful and listen to Toga okay, Ill be here waiting for you. Don't use your quirk while out". He gives you a quick hug and peck on the head before stepping away. Kurogiri uses his quirk and teleports the two of you in a calm alleyway beside a mall.

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