The Shower

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As you step out of the door you see Dabi playing on his phone, he looks up from it and nearly drops it. He's a tits guy, and he had no idea what you were rocking behind that gown. You look at his expression and immediately feel embarrassed, turning your face to the side and turning tomato red. He lets out a small cough and without making any sort of comment, he gestures you to his room. You look around the room and notice his bed with black covers, his white walls with a few rock/metal posters around, and a small desk with some papers scattered. He guides you to his bathroom and you notice some folded clothes on the sink.

"Do you know how to brush your own teeth?" You notice a packaged toothbrush on the counter next to the folded clothes. He opens it up, and asks you to try your best. You seem to understand what it takes to brush your teeth, he assumes your captors did it for you though. The only part you seem to struggle with is the motions of brushing your teeth. He sees this and stands behind you, placing his hand on your wrist gently and guiding your hand to do the motion until you start doing it on your own just fine. After seeing you got it he starts to brush his own as well. As you go to brush your tongue you brush too far back and gag a little, coughing out some toothpaste into the sink. But you finish well and Dabi comments on how you learn quickly.

Afterwards he tells you to get into the shower as he starts to take off his shirt and shoes. He slowly slides his shirt over his head, revealing more burns and some very attractive abs. You stare at his chest and begin to turn a deep pink, he looks over at you and chuckles at your reaction, but you just keep staring.

"It's rude to stare, you know" he says as he finishes taking off his clothes, everything but the swim trunks. He looks back at you and goes to enter the shower but you're still staring and blushing, almost like you didn't know or didn't hear what he said. Now its his turn, watching a pretty girl staring at his body, blushing, barely clothed... his face turns a shade of pink you have not seen before. You don't even seem to notice.

He gets closer to you as he enters the shower, not bringing his eyes off of you as he comes even closer, his body inches from yours. The heat radiating off of him is intense, more so than it has been before. He puts one arm above you and pushes his body into yours, slightly pushing you into the wall. He uses his other hand to caress your chin and tilt it upward, forcing you to look into his eyes. You feel like you're about to faint at this, and finally notices he's blushing too.

"Hey, I said it's rude to stare. When you stare at someone like that, it either means you think they're odd or that you like them. And I'm not sure what signal you're sending me". His voice is still gentle, but deeper and gravely. His face is close to yours, your noses are nearly touching.

"I like you" you respond, practically whispering. He looks taken aback by how you said it but quickly smiles at you. He lightly chuckles again after this tense moment, realizing what he was about to do, and moves away from how he was pinning you to the shower wall.

"I like you too. So this is the hot handle and this is the cold handle.." He says while he points, not making eye contact with you. After explaining how it works and turning the water on, having you turn the knobs until you find a temperature you like. He hands you a wash cloth and begins talking you through how to clean your own body as he cleans his own. You see this as an opportunity that you may not get again.

"So, like this?" And you put your washrag on him, lightly scrubbing his chest. You purposefully do it in a clumsy motion, and he goes to correct you. He slides his hand over yours and presses your hand to his chest, moving you to the scrubbing motion  he was explaining and how much pressure to put. You let go of the rag, letting it drop and it takes him a second to notice your hand is against his chest instead of the rag.

"Oh, no you dropped the rag Y/n, you need to keep holding onto it". The rag slides past you toward the drain and you go to pick it up, bending over in front of him without thinking. He didn't intend to watch, but he couldn't help it either. That little swimsuits barely covers anything. His blush came right back, and as you turned back with rag in hand you notice his blush immediately this time.

Now it's your turn to make a move. You are a surprisingly good actress even though you don't understand interactions a whole lot, but no one know this about you yet. You're pale complexion helping you out, you stagger just a little and lean into Dabi. He immediately wraps his arms around you, pulling you in protectively.

"You're a little wobbly there, are you okay? It's been a long day for you I know. How about we finish up this shower and I'll just teach you more next time". He guides you onto the tub floor and grabs the hair soaps to bring down there too. He sits against the back of the shower and you climb onto him, taking him by surprise.

"Can I try to wash you?" You whisper softly, "I want to learn some more, it might just be easier like this". You straddle his legs and hold yourself up by pressing against him, putting on your best innocent face and staring deep into his eyes just inches away. He looks back into yours and nods his head yes.

Without another word, he takes the shampoo and pours it into your hands. He uses his hands to guide you through the motions. You put your hands onto his hair and he guides you're hands through the process. He does the same for rinsing and conditioner. Between the whole ordeal he never stops staring at you, a spark in his eyes and the soft way he touches your skin makes the entire thing feel so sensual.

After you're done with his hair you visually look more exhausted and he sees this as the point where he needs to really take over. He moves and places you onto the spot he was just laying in and grabs your washrag since you never actually got cleaned. He scrubs your body and massages gently as he does so, this was your turn to watch his every move without saying a word. He is gentle and scrubs every inch of you, taking his time to relax and clean you. He shifts you're body again when he goes to scrub your hair. He straddles your legs as you did to him and places your head on his chest so he can easily scrub every bit of your hair. After he is done rinsing you off he can't help himself, and gives you a small peck on the top of your head. This is completely unlike himself, he's never been this way to anyone. Something about you, it seems to just speak to him. His soft demeanor surprises even himself, but he's already in a little too deep to think about trying to stop it.

He gets up and reaches for a towel and begins to talk you through what he does as he is drying you, and then wraps the towel around your body. He grabs the other towel and cleans himself as you watch, and then wraps it around himself as well.

"Think you can stand?" You nod your head yes and he helps you up. "I set some clothes for you on the counter. Maybe tomorrow we can go and get some clothes of your own, but this should work for tonight. Im going to go to my room and change, just come out when you're done or let me know if you need help". He leaves you to dress yourself, and you seem to be pretty good at it after remembering what Toga was explaining earlier. He left a long black t-shirt and some of his boxers, the realization has you're face pink again. As you put them on you notice it's all pretty baggy on you, but they smell just like him. You don't want clothes of your own, you already prefer his.

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