The Big Uneasy

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Elena glanced inquisitively at Agnes playing her role well. "Klaus has a child? That's impossible; vampires can't procreate." Elena stated matter of factly. The witch's eyes brightened at the young vampires statement. "Ah, you are a clever young thing. No vampires aren't capable of conceiving a child. Though werewolves are fully capable." Elena nodded slowly at first before seemingly catching on. "And Klaus isn't just a vampire, he's also a werewolf, a hybrid." Elena looked at the elder witch who nodded her head in affirmation. "Yes. Klaus had sent his child out of the city in hopes of protecting her. We basically put out a country wide amber alert for the child. Our sisters would do anything to keep something that dangerous out of our world. It wasn't too soon after the alert was in effect that we received word from the coven up near Ohio that Klaus' sister, Rebekah was hiding out in a mansion with the child and another vampire." Elena went stiff for a moment. She had to force herself to loosen up lest the witches would discover her true intentions. "This this vampire friend of Rebekah won't be a problem I am assuming?" The brunette struggled to keep her voice from faltering. "No she shouldn't. The Ohio coven assured us that they had taken care of that vermin." Genevieve answered snootily. Elena nodded absentmindedly.

Elena had a feeling the redheaded witch wasn't all too fond of her. Ever since she met the redheaded witch she got this feeling of hate and malice from her causing the brunette to look over her shoulder every few moments to make sure the witch wasn't about to give her an aneurism. She was always met with a withering gaze that sent shivers down her spine. 

The house in which Elena had my meeting with the witches was very close to the cemetery where the witches buried their ancestors. All they had to do was walk along a vegetative, overgrown path that went on for about ten minutes. When they emerged from the small cluster of trees and bushes they came face to lock with a padlocked iron bar fence that was topped with barbed wire, as if someone could scale the ten foot tall fence that had no foot holds. Just streamline straight bars. Agnes walked forwards and with a wave of her hand the padlock clicked open and the the gate swung inward. 

The walk to wherever the witches were taking her would've probably been a lot less creepy if there wasn't so much cloud coverage making it appear darker and gloomier than a graveyard already was. Fog swam around their ankles giving the whole place a ominous, almost sinister appearance. Taking a look around chill crept down her spine and not just because the wind seemingly picked up at that exact moment. Tomb stones littered the graveyard with the odd crypt set up sparsely around. The graves stretched on for acres. Elena briefly wondered how many bodies were buried before them and how much power these witches could possibly tap. She guessed more than the New Orleans vampires could handle. 

Every crackle or scrunch of leaves would cause the young vampiress to cringe. She had been in a graveyard for extended periods of time before, but she never felt like she did in this one. It was as if the spirits were breathing down her neck. She felt a ghost of a hand tug lightly at her chocolate brown tresses or her fuchsia tank top. "Don't worry about the spirits. It has been many years since they last saw a vampire. Many have been here since this place was first established." Agnes explained to Elena. Elena still fruitlessly tried to slap wandering hands away from her. "How long has the coven owned this graveyard?" Elena asked them while slapping away another hand that was caressing her hair. "Since 1718 when the French settled in these parts." Agnes clarified with pride. Elena was dumbfounded. That was seventy-four years before Mystic Falls Cemetery was founded. There must have been well over a thousand dead. 

"Where is Klaus' child being held?" Elena pushed further for information. "All in due time and you my dear have eternity." The witch tutted the young vampire. Elena scowled inwardly at the witch's blatant avoidance. "Okay. So were just wandering a spirit ridden cemetery for the fun of it?" Elena bit out as she had become annoyed by the touchy feely spirits. She didn't quite understand how she could feel them. "It is for a reason. Please be patient we are almost there. Let be the spirits, dear. They are harmless as long as they are not aggravated." The elder witch continued walking through the labyrinth of graves. Elena could make out a big blob through the dense fog. The fog had risen and taken away all long range visibility. Not being able to see her surroundings made Elena feel trapped therefore anxious. The menacing blob the witches seemed to be guiding her towards made her feel tiny and insignificant in it's presence. 

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