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Low and behold, the Gold Dragon was there, sitting on their throne, as if expecting an arrival. They had a dark scowl on their face along with their four wings spread out aggressively.

Ananas: Well now, it seems I have an interrresting load of trrresspasserrrs herrre. Especially...

The Golden Dragon pointed their finger at the group of Cookies, waved it, and landed it on Pitaya.

Ananas: YOU. Why arrre you trrresspassing onto MY terrrritory!?

Hollyberry: You know them, Pitaya!?

Pitaya: Ssso maybe I know them a little~

Wildberry: And you didn't tell us!?

Pitaya: You sssee, we're not very fond of each other, and I didn't want to sssee their ugly face.

Wildberry: YOU-

Royal Margarine: Can we stop arguing and act like there is an actual living breathing Dragon, of a race that is mostly extinct, and would not hesitate to destroy an entire continent!

Tarte Tatin pointed her canon at Ananas and Hollyberry readied her shield.

Hollyberry: Where are my people?

Ananas: People? You mean the nuisances that have trrrespassed onto my terrrritorrry? They'rrre up in cages, where they belong.

Everyone looked up at the ceiling, where all the Cookies were being held in cages, and were in stone binds, as well as had stone binds gagging them.

Ananas: I had to quiet them forrr a moment because not only werrre they all annoying, but I couldn't have them warrrning you and letting you all escape without punishment forrr DARRRING to go into MY den!

Pitaya: Pleassse! You tresssspassss into my territory all the time, and go into my den to nag me!

Ananas: You. Get out! This doesn't concerrrn you!

Pitaya: If I leave, Hollyberry will nag me next.

Ananas: What! You let yourrrself be domesticated by Cookies!?

Pitaya: I AM NOT DOMESSSTICATED! Ssshe'sss jussst annoying!

Ananas: What a disappointment. To think that you've grrrown so attached to Cookies that you've befrrriended them.

Pitaya: We are not friendsss! You piece of-

Meanwhile, Hollyberry, Tarte Tatin, Royal Margarine, Buttercream and Wildberry just stood there like: 🧍🏼‍♀️ And then spoke among themselves.

Tarte Tatin: .......Are they seriously arguing?

Royal Margarine: The better question is, are they seriously all-powerful creatures who have lived for several eons?

Wildberry: Now is our chance to attack the Golden Dragon.

Hollyberry: Wildberry's right! Prepare yourselves to attack while that other Dragon is busy arguing!

Everyone nodded. Immediately, Tarte Tatin shot her canon, Hollyberry charged with her shield, Wildberry punched down at Ananas, and Royal Margarine hid behind Buttercream. All the attacks started at the same time, but all of a sudden, Ananas disappeared. This caused Wildberry and Hollyberry to crash into each other, causing a loud ear piercing boom, and the ammo Tarte Tatin fired at Ananas shot Hollyberry and Wildberry instead, injuring them.

Pitaya: ........Are you two okay?

Wildberry: What. Do. You. Think?

Tarte Tatin: Crap!

Royal Margarine: Sweet Pinkyberry Cookie, are you alright!?

Hollyberry coughed and struggled to get up a little, but dusted herself off

Hollyberry: Nothing a girl like me can't handle!

Pitaya: Oh by the way, they're up there.

Everyone looked up, and saw Ananas hanging from the ceiling like a bat, and watching everyone with a disgusted expression.

Ananas: You darrre attack something as divine, noble, and rrradiant as me!? Learrrn yourrr place, morrrtals! Not to mention, you werrre interrrrupting me while I was in a converrrsation! Learrrn some mannerrrs!

Tarte Tatin: Maybe YOU should learn some manners by not kidnapping innocent people, you wild beast!

Ananas: Wild beast!? Watch yourrr tongue, you insignificant piece of scrrrap!

Hollyberry: I demand that you hand over my people!

Wildberry: Unless you want to get messy, Dragon.

Ananas scoffed and laughed.

Ananas: I rrrefuse. In fact, I think I have some rrroom forrr five morrre cages-GAH!

All of a sudden, Pitaya attacked from below, striking Ananas to the head.

Ananas: So that's how it's going to be... You'rrre going to pick a fight you can't win? Fine! Hrrrmph!

Ananas pulled out their staff, and struck Pitaya back. Pitaya looked back at the others.

Pitaya: The ressst of you do what you need to do! I'll hold them off! And be quick about it, becaussse I'm not a patient Dragon!

Ananas: You should be worrrried morrre about yourrrself than them, Pitaya Drrragon!

As Pitaya and Ananas fought, Hollyberry looked at the cages on top.

Hollyberry: Alright, Pitaya is buying us some time! Royal Margarine, can you get Buttercream to fly us up there so we can break the cages, and land everyone down safely?

Royal Margarine: Well, it'll take some getting used to flying in such a cramped space, but I'm sure Buttercream can do it. Right, Buttercream?

Buttercream: Rah!

Royal Margarine: But Buttercream can only hold so many people. I'm not sure if she'll be able to carry you all, and also move the Hollyberry citizens down to safety. It'll also take long doing so many things at the same time.

Tarte Tatin: There's a simple solution to that. We can just simply climb on the cages and jump from cage to cage, while you fly down the citizens to safety.

Hollyberry: We'll also need someone to protect the civilians from the oncoming attacks from the fight. I'll do it with my shield. Because when Pitaya fights, they have no awareness of their surroundings. And I highly doubt that other Dragon cares about what happens to us or the civilians.

Wildberry: Alright, so me and Tarte Tatin Cookie will break the cages open with our abilities.

Hollyberry: Let's do this!

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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