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The world plays in a partly futuristic in the year 40K, well high developed capital and cities connected to each other with bullet trains. But in an undefined year, a big earthquake causing by an open portal from an unknown world summons many monstrosities, with the goal of conquering. The defenders were unable to defeat them, forcing them to build underground cities connected to each other to hide from them. After 30 years of hiding the governments develop a power up,turning people temporarily into powerhouses with power able to push back the invaders, with a big cost of side effects like mind lost, heart attacks or turning them i to dust, forcing them to shut the program and focus more around weaponry improvements. Even the temporary peace, due the invasion forces ones again setting the city into a large class system of super high rich people living in the higher floors or even in the over-world to the a bit poor people living floors lower of the large cities or even outside in the wastelands, but soon later drug dealer and arms dealer coming by selling that now as illegal recognize drug called "Distilled Essence" with high profit, their synthetic drug with shorter effect time with high addiction but , making the world ones having new enemies again. But deeper in an illegal scientific facility the strikers program was on going, a experience of having excess to giving people powers without the temporary effect, with the goal to stop the dealer ships before it's too late. But unable to reveal to the outside by corruption from many to having their advantage is partly hard to developing fast enough to stop.

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