Sounds I'm not a rookie anymore

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Floor level 3 middle class - School section, Teacher lounge
Time : 1300 Wednesday


"We may all apologize about this incident you were encounter. It's a total shame that already on the first day our new student gets into a fight, we all hope you would accept the apology even if it's hard to accept this!"

The teacher all apologizes in front of me in a deep bow, making me hard to deny this well, which I soon accept it.

"Oh well I accept the apology is really a shame this happening, but that's now past and we must go forward. May I get some days later of? I do really need some orientation around the school facility, since is enormous building that I talking about."

They're looking with happy expressions to me and grabbing fast a data file with a hallway pass.

"This file should have a map of the school take it for a while and since we are strict about our policies in you should take the pass to be safe ok? But don't use this to slacking off, we soon having our exams and consider this as a important thing of this year!"

I walk out of the lounge to look around the map well and carefully, bumping lightly into someone, making something fall down. As I look up who it's, remember that's a classmate his name is Jotaro and if from the technic-club of the school. Soon I getting up he says to me.

"Oh I'm sorry newbie but consider I was in my bubble to brainstorm something it's obviously that I bump into some peeps"

"No-no it's ok I was myself in my thoughts too, so I hope I can help to pick this all up"

I grab the stuff that has been fall down, as I soon grab something like a gun, which looks interesting as I ask about this.

"Hey is this a gun? Are you making weapons in the club?"

"N-no no no that's transfer student is my freezer-gun "the Shockfreeze" I actually use this for cooling some modules down to minus degrees. Hey how about you coming one time after a lesson to use, to ur voice I can see your susness about that. Maybe you can change your opinion about it if you see what we make-a-doo!"

"Mmh sure I consider this offer of you-..."

I soon get in mid-sentence a message from Lukas say "meeting soon in training hall".

"Oh I must go now, is a pleasure to meet you now!"

I leaving fast the scene and signing me out from school to catch up them in the facility, trying to jump from roof to roof as fastest I can.

Time skip - Floor level unknown - Facility

Soon I reach the facility as I get to the trainings room, where Lukas is waiting for me.

"You come late Y/ time put more speed to come here."

"We consider I must run all the way the way down here, while you can drive all the vehicles we need. *sighs* So what's the important meeting we having here today? Wait you calling me my normal name?!?"

Soon after I jinxed it, the doctor comes out of the other door to us with a lousy impressive entrance.

"Well well why we're here? A really important question! Why we live ? Why we exist and so so so on. But that's a ridiculous thing now to worry about! We are here today for someone...But who? Who might be? Mayb-...?"

I bonk his head ones before I get ready to add a another one, as I warn him

"Doktor consider to come to the point else I must fix this issue!"

"Ok-ok you got it my little Y/N. Today I will present you to a new member to the striker's! Come out Rocky!"

Soon a vent open up only to let a person out in a feminine stature and attire walking out, having long silver twin tails and holding on one hand a big thick tablet with a magic pen on the other hand. On the back is a board holstered, as the person comes to us.

"Uhm well today I'm your need member of the striker's. M-my name is Rooky Fumun, I will try to support you in the back line, but I can still fight a bit but not like you so a good cooperation."

Lukas sighs loud first and inspects the new member close and pushy, as he give no his words

"Ugh another girl in our team? Fine I hope next member is a bro who's with us-..."

"Actually I'm a male Guardian! I'm biologically a male!"

Inside Lukas head shatters something as this makes him questioning his life much.

"Haha well Rocky maybe show us what you can! Some good impression is always needed for a newbie!"

With some clapping the doctor, summons some robot dummy in on hold position to use as test objects. The newbie turns around and starts to swiping and tapping something on the tablet, as soon one robot starts to move from it's own and dismembered the other one, till he press a button to stop them with a emp-shock.

"W-well my ability is around the point of controlling something like I want. But it's kinda hard to hack something, since I tending overheat fast with all the the data, if I don't turn my cooling systems own of my suit"

He said it as he turns around to show his battle suit having small pipes around with cooling liquid to cool his body well down.

"Hmm sounds interesting, so for a good cooperation I must heading back to back to my mission, before something suspicious is coming"

I starts to heading out back to school, as I think about using my holograms as mobility. I summon one on my feet's to stay on and starts kinda to levitate and ties to move, causing me to move spontaneously and fall off making me walk the rest of the way.

POV Doctor S.

Ones Y/N goes away her way again, I look down rocky with a old man smile.

"Hmm so Rocky now, since you meet them it's time to practice more your powers. How about you try hacking some stuff for me and re-edit them."

I give him a note with a little list I made and starts walk away my way to the office. Midway I start coughing up much only to see some blood on my hands.

"Mmm...kid I won't hold any longer. I hope we no I will make my work done here before it's too late now"

I take some medication to help me getting other and starts to develop more plans for the striker .


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