Part 2

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Ron's pov:

Draco leaves the hospital wing. I sit in the bed not tired at all, Madam Pomfrey is in her office. I wonder if Harry and Hermione are looking for me. Probably not though, they weren't even at the game. I'm so bored, I wish I had something to do. I decided to ask Madam Pomfrey if I could go to the library to get a book. She says ok but i have to come back. I quickly jumped off the hospital bed and ran to the library. I slow down my pace as I near the library. The doors to the library are open wide, I go inside and Madam Pince is putting books back in their places. I start to look around for a good book, I can't find any that interest me.

"Madam Pince?" I question

"Yes dear, do you need help finding a book?" she smiles at me

"Yes, I was wondering if you could show me where the books about veela's are, and do you know if you have any books on male veela's by chance?" I ask

"Hmm, yes I do have one book about male veela's, I'll go grab it. Oh and the veela books are right next to the mystical creatures." She says and runs off to grab the book. I headed over to the shelf she said it should be on. I ran a finger over each book reading the name as I touched it. Finally I found one that looked old. I opened it to the first page. It read:

Veela (both singular and plural) are nearly-human magical beings who appeared as young, beautiful women with white-gold hair and moon-bright skin, native to Bulgaria. Their looks and especially their dance is hypnotically seductive to almost all male beings, which caused them to perform foolhardy and impulsive actions to get closer to, and to receive admiration from the Veela.

I think to myself this will work. I go to find Madam Pince, she is nowhere to be found though. I walk around the library looking down each row of shelves. After looking down each shelf I decide to go wait at the checkout desk. I wait there for what feels like an eternity when she finally pops up behind me.

"Here you are dear." She smiles while handing me the book.

"Thank you Madam Pince." I respond

"Not many people use that book, it was hidden under a bunch of books no one reads anymore. The last person to read that book was a Malfoy descendent, isn't that weird?" She questions

"Oh no I don't think it's weird." I almost just told her about Draco, I think he told me not to tell anyone.

"Well night Madam Pince, i have to go back to the hospital wing before Madam Pomfrey has a fit."

"Alright dear, have a good night and hope the book is a good read." She smiles waving at me. I walk back slowly, not really wanting to have to go back. As I turn the corner leading down the hall I smash right into someone.

"Watch where you're going!" the person yells

"I'm so sorry I didn't think anyone would be walking the hall this late." I point out, as I start to stand up. I dropped my books. I can't find them! Where did it go? I stand up. The person is still here. I look at him, he is examining my books.

"Umm can I have those back?" I ask

"What's the magic word." he taunts

"Uhh please?" I ask unsure

"No it was peanuts, but you can have them anyway they are boring." he says as he shoves the books into my arms.

"Mmm thanks, I have to go back to the infirmary so uh don't mind me leaving so quickly." I stammer

"Alright, bye then." the boy says walking away. Weird guy, I think to myself. I continue on my path to the infirmary. When I get there Madam Pomfrey is standing by the door probably waiting to scold me for taking so long.

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