Part 4

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Time skip~~

I don't know how long I had been out but i'm awoken by Dray calling my name. I look at him sitting up, he smiles at me.

"What's up". I ask

"You can go to your room now if you want, you don't have to stay here". He tells me

"Mmm can I stay? Mione is going to yell at me if I go back" I admit. Dray yawns covering his mouth with his hand.

"Yea you can stay, but aren't you uncomfortable in that chair?" Dray points at the chair.

"No not really, it feels like my bed at home" I admit with a short laugh. Dray smiles at me again.

"Well if you get uncomfortable you can share the bed with me". Dray says then laying back down and turning over. I reposition myself in the chair. I closed my eyes, the image of Dray without his shirt popped back into my head but this time though I don't try to get it to go away. I sit there taking in every inch of his body. I notice the little scars all over his chest, stomach and arms. I think about how his father had put those there. I think of all the pain and suffering he's been through. I just want to hold him in my arms and tell him it'll all be alright, I want to sit with him and hold his hand. Shit I think I do still like him, I do like Dray. I get up from the chair and climb onto the bed with Dray. I lay in a way that leaves space between us. I pull the blanket over myself. I close my eyes hoping to fall asleep but sleep doesn't come over me. I feel Dray start to move next to me. His arm wraps over me. He starts to move more till there is no space between us anymore. I lay there as still as I can. Dray murmurs something in his sleep. I can't tell what he said. But he says it again, this time I hear him.

"Ron, are you up?"

"Yea" I reply.

Dray sighs, "uhm this is a weird question but uh are you gay Ron?" I think to myself Am I, I do like Dray but he's my only ever crush.

"uh yea I think I am" I say. I watch as Draco moves his arm off me and sits up. I sit up as well.

"Can I try something with you?" Dray questions.

"Sure" I replied shakily. Dray sits up straighter then I'm not sure what he did but I feel that weight that has been on my chest all day lift away. I looked into Dray's eyes, I notice he has a ring of light glowing off him.

"Ronald" He says my name so beautifully. Dray is smiling at me. Without warning he wraps his arms around me. I accept the embrace and hold Draco in my arms as well. I can smell his cologne from his clothes and I feel him breathing against me. Why, though?

"What was that Dray, it made me feel light. Why'd you stop?" I ask so many questions.

"I guess I sort of just checked if you were the one we've been looking for, I stopped because I'm not going to lie, I was turned on majorly," Dray tells me. I smile awkwardly to myself.

"So am I the one?" I ask sheepishly

"Well I've liked you since we were little and it just got more and more hard to hate you and like when I got my inheritance it was even harder and every time I saw you I just felt like I was being called to you and I didn't want to think of it as anything because well I figured you were straight and even if there was the slight chance of you being gay i thought you'd hate me or even if you liked me you wouldn't want to be marked because it's kind of scary even to me". Dray admits

" Wait, you've liked me that long? I liked you when we were little too, I just didn't want to be gay so I tried to hide it and I even dated Lavender but she had used a love potion and even then I was still drawn to you. At one point I almost went up to you and was gonna tell you but then I decided it wasn't worth it and that it was just a silly little crush that didn't mean anything. And I think when you inherited your veela I was affected too because all day today I felt like i was losing it and when you did that thing just now it lifted a weight off my chest from today and it was really nice. Also What do you mean mark? Like how does that work?" I question.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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