Part 3

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Ron's pov:

Draco, Hermione, Harry and I leave the dining hall and start our hunt for Draco's mate. I watch as Hermione and Draco talk about veela powers and how it's like being a veela. Harry is listening in to what they are saying trying not to be obvious that he is interested. I walk a bit in front of them not really wanting to find Draco a mate.I can't get that stupid image of Draco shirtless out of my mind. I shake my head and I tell myself silently to stop thinking about it. But he was so beautiful, his abs were so profound and his skin was glowing, STOP IT I yell in my head. I push away the image and slow my pace to be with the others.

"So like what's your type, so we can get an idea of who to look for" I speak. Draco makes a thinking face.

"Well obviously guys" Draco laughs nervously then continues to say

" Taller than me, blue eyes for sure, funny, kinda shy. I don't know really, I've never thought about it". Draco finishes

"Well those are good starters, but how are we going to know if someone is gay or not?" Hermione brings up a good point.

Draco smiles sheepishly "I have an idea I think". Harry looks at me worriedly, I share the same expression. We walk around the castle for a bit till Harry points out a tall kid with blue eyes. I feel I know this guy, but from where.

"So what is your plan Dray?" I ask quietly

"Well part of being a veela is that I can make people go crazy if they are also attracted to the gender of the veela or something like that right. So I was just gonna go over there and see what I can do with the power I guess, I know it's there I just haven't really tried it on anyone before." Draco speaks on and I lose my concentration of what he is saying because I'm too lost in the beauty of his voice. I shake my head. No, don't think like that, you're not gay, you don't like Draco that way anymore, it was a silly crush from when i was young. I say in my head.

"Sounds like a good plan, you got this" I say snapping out of my trance. Draco smiles at me then turns around walking over to a very familiar guy. I try to think of who he is, I retrace my steps from the last few days. Who is he? It finally hits me, he is the weird kid who I ran into on my way to the hospital wing. I point my focus back on Draco and Luke, I think that's his name I don't remember. Draco is just talking to him. I see how his hands move when he speaks and how he smirks slightly when he talks. I watch him for almost the whole time he is over with Luke talking, until Hermione taps my shoulder.

"Ron, why are you making that face?" She questions. What face?

"What do you mean? I'm not making a face". I told her.

"Yes you are, you look like you're going to murder someone". She tells me. What is she talking about, I'm not even mad. In all honesty I don't feel anything really except this like weight pushing on me, but I think I'm just hungry. Hermione looks worried when I come back out of my thoughts.

"Ron I was talking to you, what is going on? What's up with you? Are you ok?" Hermione pesters me.

"Mione I'm fine I swear, I think I'm just hungry that's all" I admit. She gives me a weird look then walks over to Harry. I go look back at Draco who is walking back over to us.

"He isn't gay". Draco says deflated

"Oh you figured that out quick, how'd you know?" I ask

"Well I tried to seduce him with my veela, but he didn't budge. Then as we were talking he told me he had to go meet up with his girlfriend so he left". Draco tells me.

"Oh, how did it feel to let the power out?" I question

"Surprisingly good actually, It felt like it was working cause I felt drawn to a place, but I couldn't tell where or why". Draco smiles sadly

"Well I think we will find the right person soon". I say trying to cheer him up.

"Plus it's only the first person". Draco says more cheerily. Hermione and Harry walk over to us asking what happened, Draco tells them the same thing he told me. We then head off to go look around more. We continued at like fifteen more guys, only one of them was gay and he had a boyfriend so the powers didn't work. Draco looks more and more glum with each guy he walks away from back to us. And for myself I'm getting more and more drained as we walk around the castle, is Draco affecting me maybe because I am gay No I'm just hungry, I tell myself again and again. Finally after about five more guys, Draco says I can't do that anymore. I'm going to pass out. Instinctively I moved closer to him. I think Hermione noticed because she walked over to us.

"What's up?" She asks

"I can't do it anymore, I'm too tired. I didn't know this could be so draining". Draco admits.

"Well let's call an end to it for today and go get some dinner". Mione suggests. I see Harry start walking towards the dining hall, Dray, Mione and I following behind.At dinner Draco sits with us at the Gryffindor table. He sits next to me on my left side at the end of the bench so no one is sitting on his other side. Harry and Hermione sitting to my right. I pile my plate high as I always do but this time I can't bring myself to eat any of it. I look over at Dray who is also not eating, he looks like he is going to pass out.

"Dray eat". I am worried. He looks at me, his pale gray eyes sunken and red, exhaustion planted on his face.

Dray gives a short response. "I can't, I'm too tired".

I grab his arm pulling him up. "Alright let's get you to bed then". I say

"Mione, I'm going to bring him to his common room, can you save me some food". Hermione nods yes. I wrap my arm around Dray's waist, lifting him up slightly. We walk out of the dining hall and towards the dungeons. As we walk Draco feels heavier and heavier with each step we take, he is putting most of his weight onto me. I don't mind really, he's just got me worried. We make our way to the Slytherin portrait hole.

"Dray, what's the password to get in?" I ask

"Mph uh, pure-blood". He says and the door opens. I pull him in through the door.

"Dray, where's your room?" I question. He pulls away from me, and starts walking towards the stairs.

"Dray, do you want me to come with you up the stairs?" I ask yet another question. He just nods and I walk over to him. We walk up the stairs slowly, finally reaching the top. Dray stops abruptly at the top grabbing onto me to steady himself. I put my arm back around his waist and we walked to his room. Once we are in his room Dray flops right onto his bed, pulling his shoes off. I start to leave but I hear him say something.

"What, Dray?" I ask

"Stay with me please" He says. I shut the door and walked back to him sitting in the chair near his bed. He climbs under his blanket still in his day clothes. I pull out my phone to text Mione.


To Mione: hey Dray wants me to stay with him for a bit, so you don't have to save me food anymore. I'll see you in the common room later.

From Mione: Oh ok, you need to eat Ron. You've been hungry all day. I can get Dobby to bring you some food when you come to the common room.

I don't reply to her not really wanting to bother the house elves and not really wanting to eat. I look back at Dray who had fallen asleep. His soft breaths make me realize how tired I myself am. I don't want to go to the common room though because Mione will make me eat. I just close my eyes and start to drift off in the chair. I feel sleep take me. 

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