Chapter 5: Trial Photoshoot

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Walking out of your studio after closing, you saw Sunghoon leaning on his car. He smiled, opening the passenger side of his car. "After you, madam," he said cheekily. "Why thank you," you giggled, climbing inside the car. Sunghoon went on his side and started the engine, backing out of the parking lot.

Within a minute after leaving the studio, your hands started to tremble. You looked at the scenery from the window to calm yourself down, but the shaking didn't stop. Sunghoon noticed this, gently placing his hand on your arm. "Are you nervous, Y/n?" he asked, concerned. "Does it actually look like it?" you said with a nervous chuckle.

"There's no need to worry, Y/n; everything will be fine. No one will hurt you; I promise."

"T-thanks, Sunghoon."

After a seemingly long drive, the BE:Lift Lab building was in view. You were amazed; the building was ginormous. The logo was illuminated brightly at the top. Lights from the multiple windows were on; you could see people working in the offices.

Sunghoon drove into the parking garage below and parked in a spot with a sign saying, "Reserved for CEO." Reading it twice, you pouted with confusion. Sunghoon told you he was a modeling scout and agent; why was he in the CEO's spot?

"Sunghoon, is it okay for you to park your car here?" you asked. "No questions," Sunghoon answered, waving his hand. From the tone of his voice, he seemed annoyed by the question you asked. It scared you.

"Y/n, why are you just sitting there?"

Snapping out of your thoughts, Sunghoon faced you with a grin. "Getting sleepy already?""What? N-no! Let's get out of the car." you said. For a second, you felt Sunghoon was annoyed before. Why did he change his expression and tone so fast?

After Sunghoon had locked the car, he started to walk inside the building. You followed behind like a duckling.

The first floor of the building looked like a hotel lobby: a marble floor, white chairs and couches, small tables, and a gold-colored front desk.

There were other people present, strolling and holding stacks of papers. When they saw you and Sunghoon, they immediately stopped what they were doing and bowed. "Good evening, Chairman Park," they said as you continued to follow Sunghoon. The man didn't say anything; he continued to walk straight ahead. Your suspicions grew; Sunghoon appeared to have more power than he acted.

Sunghoon stopped in front of an elevator and pressed the button. Once the doors opened, the two of you walked inside, and he pressed the button for the tenth floor.

After the elevator stopped at its destination, the doors opened, revealing a giant office. You gasped. You only see these office types in dramas; you have never seen them in person. This office was four times the size of your apartment.

Sunghoon moved a lone chair in front of the mahogany desk. "Sit here, Y/n. Make yourself comfortable," he said, indicating to the chair. You nodded and sat down. Sunghoon pushed the chair closer to the desk and went to the other side, sitting on the more prominent chair. He picked up an office phone and dialed a number. "Ms. Jung?" he spoke. "Come to my office now; she's here."

Soon, the elevator doors opened, and a short woman with long brown hair strolled in. "Chairman Park?" she greeted, bowing.

"Thank you for coming. Y/n, this is Jung Sooyeon, the person in charge of BE:Lift Lab's modeling department. Sooyeon, this is Nishimura Y/n, your new model."

"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Jung," you said, bowing your head. "Nice to meet you too, Y/n," said the woman. "And please, call me Sooyoung." "Ah, I will, Sooyoung."

"Is the room ready?" Sunghoon asked. "Yes, Chairman Park," said Sooyoung. "Shall I take Y/n there now?"

"Yes, that would be nice."

You glanced over at Sunghoon with alarm, and he chuckled. "Ms. Jung is going to take great care of you, Y/n. You have nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure?" you said.

"Yes, now go."

You followed Sooyong back into the elevator, and she pressed the button to the ninth floor.

The elevator landed on the floor with many doors on the side. Signs hung on the doors that said things like "Dressing Room A" and "New Winter Clothing." At the end of the room was an area that reminded you of your photography studio. There was way more equipment, though.

"We're going to do a trail shoot of you, Y/n," said Sooyeon. "Let's get you ready with some makeup. You can keep the same clothes you're wearing."

You and Sooyeon went through a door that said "Dressing Room C." You sat on one of the comfy chairs and closed your eyes while Sooyeon did your makeup and fixed your hair. It's been a long time since you've been pampered like this; the last time was at your wedding.

"You can open your eyes now," Sooyeon said a few minutes later. You did, and you inhaled a sharp breath. You looked like an entirely different person. The natural makeup gave you a glowy look; your hair was also neater.

Afterward, you and Sooyeon walked to the area where the cameras were. She told you to stand in front of the cameras.

"Chairman Park has told me you are a photographer, so I assume you know what poses to do?" Sooyeon asked.

"Yes, ma'am," you said. "And a quick question: why do you call Sunghoon 'Chairman-"

Before you could finish, someone cleared their throat. "S-Sunghoon?"

You didn't even realize he was standing next to Sooyoung.

"Get started with the photos, Ms. Jung; I'm on a tight schedule," he said. "Right away, sir." replied the woman.

You were doing multiple poses as the camera clicked and flashed. You haven't had a photo shoot of yourself in a while (the last time was at your wedding. Tenseness began to control your body again. Your eyes caught Sungoon's, and he wore a proud expression, nodding. He seemed satisfied with how you were doing. A feeling of pride and confidence washed over you, and the rest of the photoshoot flowed like a breeze.

Once the shoot was over, you said goodbye to Sooyeon and soon back in Sunghoon's office. He handed you a four-page paper and a pen. It was the contract.

You were barely starting to read it when Sunghoon sighed, taking the paper and flipping to the last page. He pointed to the line where you were supposed to sign your signature. "Go ahead, Y/n," he said. "There's no need to do all of that reading."

"Shouldn't I read it first? I want to know what I'm getting myself into," you disputed.Sunghoon sighed again, rubbing his eyes. He looked back at you with the same annoyed expression he had in the car. "I don't have time to wait for you; I'm tired and want to go home and sleep. Don't waste my time, sweetheart."

From the sound of it, Sunghoon didn't want to continue arguing, so you slowly placed the pen on the paper. You hesitated but remembered why you were doing this modeling gig: to make more money and start a family with Riki.

You signed your signature on the paper.

"Welcome to BE:Lift Lab, Nishimura Y/n," he said, applauding and shaking your hand. You laughed at the burst of energy he suddenly had. You had forgotten about his impatience beforehand.

"I'll take you back home. Is that okay?" asked Sunghoon. You smiled. "Yes, that's okay."

It was eleven o'clock at night by the time you arrived home. You were excited to see your husband after a long night.

You opened the door and saw Riki sitting on the couch watching TV. He turned around to you and smiled, but it quickly disappeared.

Riki ambled towards you and grabbed your face with his hands. "Um, Riki, what are you doing?" you questioned, face turning redder.

"Y/n," Riki said. "Why are you wearing makeup?"

So I was trying to find a pic of the BE:Lift Lab building but it showed me the Hybe building. I know BE:Lift Lab is under Hybe, but are they in the same building? If they are, I didn't realize lol.

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