Epilogue: 4 Months Later

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Park Sunghoon, Park Jongbin, and An Yeonghwa were finally apprehended for their different crimes after law enforcement gathered enough evidence.

After you and Sooji, many more victims came forward to expose the evil deeds of the whole family trio, not just Sunghoon, ranging from money laundering to sexual harassment, just to name a few. It grew so much that the family's lawyers and friends couldn't help them. Everyone knew that the Park family was guilty. Jongbin, Yeonghwa, and Sunghoon are serving different times in different prisons. As for their higher-up positions, trusted people and the good apples of their family took them over.

As for you and Riki, it took a while for the two of you to die out from the spotlight. With Riki crashing the party, interview requests, and the exposing of the Parks, you two were in the headlines for weeks. For the most part, everything was now back to normal.

There were a couple of different things, however.

With the extra money you earned from modeling and a little help from Rei, you and Riki finally bought a house. It was a one-story house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms.

Riki was now the principal of his elementary school. He was surprised when the old principal announced his name at the retirement party, but it seemed as if everyone else knew it was coming.

On your side, Nishi Photography Studio was back in business and better than ever. You became famous as the woman who took down the whole Park family. Everyone wanted to get their photos taken by the heroic woman photographer.

There was also something else, or someone else is a better way to put it.

A few days after your birthday, you gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Nishimura Jiwon. Riki wanted to name her.

Jungwon, Rei, and Sooji visited the hospital and complimented how much Jiwon looked like you but had a stubborn personality like Riki. You couldn't help but agree.

The night you were able to come home, Riki was lying on the bed holding the sleeping Jiwon. While beside them, you smiled at the sight but frowned when you noticed Riki.

"Riki, why do you look so tense?" you asked.

"I do?" your husband replied. "Maybe I am. I don't want to drop Jiwon." Riki gently pinched her cheek. "She's too precious."

You giggled. "You're not going to drop Jiwon; you're doing great. And do you see how she's relaxed in your arms? She knows it's her father."

Riki glanced down, and the wave of tenseness immediately disappeared. Jiwon was asleep, but she had a tiny grin on her face. It was too sweet that Riki had to grin, too.

"See, you have nothing to worry about," you added. "Riki, you're a great father. Even Jiwon thinks that."

"Ha, thank you, Y/n, and you're a great mother. Even Jiwon thinks that."

Your face heated up, and Riki chuckled. "If I can still make your heart flutter, I'm doing my job as a doting husband very well."

"That's not fair. You can't steal my lines."

"I'll do it again."

Jiwon suddenly opened her eyes, lifted her tiny hand, and touched Riki's mouth. Now, it was your turn to laugh. "I think our daughter is telling you to be quiet."

"Yes, maybe."

Jiwon was wide awake now. Her tiny fingers wrapped around Riki's thumb. You took in the cherished moment.

You two have come a long way since the first meeting, from the project with the skateboard and camera to Park Sunghoon and now with a child together.

Marriage can be a blessing and a curse: a blessing because there is love and a curse because of clashing points of view.

But the marriage you have with Riki?

It is full of blessings.

It's finally done🥺. I think the "Polaroid Love" series is probably my favorite one I've written so far (Drunk-Dazed is still the og).
I want to thank everyone who read this story and got through the darker turns in "Blessed-Cursed" that was way different from "Polaroid Love." Expect more books from me in the future!


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