Chapter 19: So Surreal

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After you grabbed your purse from the front desk, you and Riki walked to the back of the venue building to a black car.

"Who's car is this?" you asked when Riki opened the passenger door.

"Oh, uh," Riki scratched the back of his head. "It's my mom's. I'm just borrowing it for tonight."

"Wait, you were at Rei's house the whole time?"

"Y-yes. Look, Y/n, I'll explain everything later, I promise."

You smiled, climbing into the car as Riki closed the door beside you. Once he sat on his seat, he turned toward you. "Do you need to stop by your hotel to pick up anything?"

Maybe it was your hormones, but your eyes began to ache, threatening to cry again. You nodded. "Yeah. I want to change out of these clothes. They're starting to feel tight on me."

"Of course. Just put the location on the GPS."

It was a fifteen-minute drive to the hotel. You asked Riki to wait in the car, saying it wouldn't take long. He didn't want to leave you by yourself, but you insisted.

You stared at your reflection in the mirror as you changed. The expensive dress, shoes, and jewelry were now off, wearing a regular shirt and a pair of jeans. It was back to the old you again.

Five minutes later, you came back outside and climbed inside the car. "Where are we going now?" you asked.

"To my mom's," Riki replied. "It's a little bit of a drive. You can take a nap. I'll wake you up when we get there."

Part of you didn't want to fall asleep, wanting to stay awake with Riki. But your mind and body said otherwise, leaning your head on the seatbelt and closing your eyes.

Soon, you felt the car parked, opening your eyes to see a small house. Both of you got out, and Riki walked over to your side, stretching out his hand, which you took. He guided you to the front porch, where a brown bench was, and the two of you sat down.

There was a long silence. You two had plenty to stay, but neither knew where to start. It was just the sound of crickets until Riki cleared his throat.

"Y/n, I'm sorry for how I treated you this whole time," he said. "After the news of your and Sunghoon's supposed relationship came out, I thought you were truly cheating on me. I chose not to hear your excuses. Hence, I bought a ticket to Japan and stayed at my mom's. I wanted to get away from everything."

"I'm sorry for lying to you," you said. "I was so blinded by my modeling career and making more money that I ignored your warnings."

You chuckled. "I feel like we apologized a lot to each other today. All of this has been one crazy and long ride."

"It sure has."

Riki took off his jacket and wrapped it around your shoulders. Then he placed his hand gently on your stomach. "So we're sincerely having a baby, huh?"

"Yes, we are," you beamed

"I can't believe it; it still feels so surreal."

"I know exactly how you feel, Riki. Oh wait, I need to show you something."

You unzipped your purse, took two small photos, and handed them to your husband. You watched as a shocked and sunny reaction formed on his face.

"It's a girl," you said softly. "We'll have a mini-me running around the place."

Riki nodded, wiping the tears developing in his eyes. "I was scared to have a child at first because I didn't think I would provide enough and be a good father."

He lightly laughed. "And you already know what happened to my father: dying early, not being able to see his child grow up. I'm just worried the same will happen to me."

"No, Riki, don't say that," you demanded, grabbing his face. "You will not die early; I'll make sure we'll both see our daughter grow up. We're going to make it work. Remember, I got extra money from being a model. We can buy a bigger place when we get back in Korea."

Riki placed his hands on top of yours, moving them off his face. He held tightly onto them. "What will you do about your modeling job, though?"

"I'm sending in my resignation letter. I won't be going to Be:Lift Lab no more."

The door opened, and Naori Rei came out carrying two cups of water, placing them on the small table. She noted you and your husband holding hands. "I see the two of you finally reconciled and learned your lessons," she said. "Please continue to care for each other, especially you, Nishimura Riki."

Rei scowled and flicked her son on the forehead. He groaned and rubbed his head in pain, and you giggled. "Mom, what you do that for?"

"To flick some sense into you, boy. My daughter-in-law is carrying my grandchild, so pay extra attention to the both of them."

"You know I will, Mom," said Riki.

"You better keep your word."

Rei's face changed into a smile when she turned to you. "You don't need to worry, Y/n. I help with your pregnancy by sending over money every month."

"Oh, Rei, you don't need to do that," you said, shaking your head.

"Of course I will; you're a part of the family."


Riki sat at the kitchen table, drinking a glass of warm milk. He didn't know why, but he was having trouble falling asleep.

"You're still up?"

Riki turned around and saw Rei standing in the doorway. She sat across from him, chuckling as he wiped off the milk mustache forming on his top lip.

"Yeah, I just can't fall asleep," said Riki. "So much stuff has happened today, and I think the adrenaline is still in my veins."

"Are you sure it's adrenaline, or is it nervousness?"

Riki paused, not knowing what to say.

"Riki, you're going to be a great father. I can already see it," said Rei. "And if Jiwon were still here, she would have said the same thing."

"Yeah, I know," Riki nodded solemnly. Jiwon died of cancer a year after you and Riki got married. She had been sick for a long time but chose not to say anything to make people worry.

Rei added on. "You're father would have said the same thing as well. Riki, you're acting just like him when I told him I was pregnant like you: excited but worried."

"Wait, I am?"

Rei smiled. "Yes, you are. Even though he and I weren't the best people to raise a child, he did his very best until the end."

Something warmed inside Riki's heart. He hadn't thought about his father in months. It felt nice hearing Rei talk about him.

"Now, spend some time with your wife," Rei said. "You've two been apart physically and mentally for months. Let me know when the two of you will fly back to Korea, and I'll buy the tickets."

"Yes, I'll do that. Thanks, Mom, and goodnight," Riki said, standing up and walking to his bedroom.


When Riki opened his bedroom door, he saw you with the sheets pulled on top of your head.

My Y/n. He thought, climbing in behind you and wrapping his arms around your stomach.

You were awake when he did that. You turned your body around and sunk deeper into his chest. Your husband was back.

Next chapter is the last chapter (I'm not crying, ya'll are)🥲
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