Chapter Three: Group Projects

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Logan sat at his desk awkwardly. He look over the rubric for the project, trying to memorize what he needed. He had ended up in a group with Ashlyn, which he was thankful for. He didn't know what he'd do if he was in a group with people he didn't know.
He glanced at the guy sitting next to him. His name was..........Tyler? Yeah Tyler. If he remembered his introduction correct. He had ended up in a group with Tyler and his twin sister. Taylor seemed nice enough, but Logan was still on edge. A snicker from the desks ahead of him reminded him of his other group mates.
"Right, I got stuck in a group with Aiden to." Logan thought, glancing up at Aiden, who was snickering at Ashlyn hiding in her shirt. He sighed as mr Thomas got the classes attention.
"Our main focus this semester will be on Georgia's oldest city, Savanah. This is also what your project will be about and the topic you'll choose to present on are stated in the rubric."
Logan glanced at the rubric to look at the options.
"Additionally, there is an overnight field trip to go with the project! Of course, it's optional, but those who attend can get extra credit for your individual grade. If your are interested, the permission slips are on my desk and include everything you'll need to know." Mr. Thomas explained. "For the rest of class, please decide what topic your group would like to present on. You've got 25 minutes, so spend it wisely."
Logan perked up a little. A field trip? That could be fun, he supposed. Though, he'd probably only go if Ashlyn was as well. Being alone without his sister didn't exactly thrill Logan.
The bell rang and Logan walked with Ashlyn to three door, glancing at the new numbers he had saved. Ashlyn groaned, she had already been dragged into a group chat.
"Aren't you two going to go?" Aiden asked as they walked past the teachers desk.
"I'll probably only go if Ashlyn does to," Logan said.
Ashlyn shrugged. "I'd rather stay home."
Logan frowned a little, but respected his sisters choice.

Logan sat at the table, reading his book as his sister laid her head on the table in despair.
"Looks like school went well?" Emma asked.
"It was ok I guess." Logan said.
"It didn't." Ashlyn groaned.
"What happened?" Mike asked looking at Logan.
"We met a dude on the bus who was pushy and me and ash are in class and a semester long group project with him."
Mike snorted and Ashlyn glared at him.
"It's not funny." Ashlyn said.
Emma threw her bag of chips down dramatically and slammed her hands down on the table, scaring the crap out of Logan and Ashlyn.
"H-how could you say that?!" Emma cried. She looked at Mike, who realized what she was doing.
Mike and Emma looked around dramatically like they were searching for something.
"Where are they? Are memories of planning sleepovers with your friends parents." Emma cried dramatically
"Our memories of putting a class on your door at three am to listen to what you and your friends talk about?! We want those parenthood experiences!" Mike cried.
Logan giggles and Ashlyn snorted.
"Are you guys done?"
The two sat back down at the table with their kids in a comfortable silence before Mike broke the silence.
"In all honesty, in your guys sixteen and fifteen years of existence you two have not made a single friend. I get it, people are hard. But seriously—"
"No I think they're fine Mike. Socializing is more trouble than it's worth anyways. Emma said.
"I'd rather do something else." Emma and Ashlyn said.
"They just scare me." Logan said.
"And I give up." Mike said, annoyed.
A knocking came from the door.
"That's probably the delivery guy." Mike said.
"I'll go get it." Logan offered, standing up to get the door.
"WAIT LOGAN DON'T OPEN THAT—" Ashlyn suddenly called.
Logan looked at her curiously before opening the door and seeing Aiden and Ben standing there. He gulped.

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