Chapter Eleven: Votes

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Unfortunately for the group, Logan's theory was wrong. It kept happening.



Ashlyn and Logan were losing sleep, they looked like they hadn't slept in days. Which, was actually true. Ashlyn tried to stay awake to protect her brother, and Logan's fear kept him awake. His fear of the phantoms, they decided to call the monsters.

Logan would never tell Ashlyn this, but It wasn't his fear of the phantoms that kept him up at night while his sister kept watch. It was the fear that he would listen to her, close his eyes and sleep. Then he'd open them, and she'd be gone. That thought terrified him, so out of fear, he stayed awake.

"Helloooooo? Earth to Logan and Ashlyn?" Aiden said, snapping Ashlyn and Logan out of their thoughts.
"Oh um, sorry Aiden. I was a little lost in thought, did you say something?" Logan said, trying to be polite.
"Yeah, so about our phantom situation. We all agreed that it would be better if we stuck together, so" Aiden asked, genuinely confused.
"Why the hell do you think we're in the graveyard Aiden?" Ashlyn snapped. "I was going to suggest to the group that we could use this place as our—base. Or like a stronghold for us to use."
Logan thought about it for a moment. With the graveyards high walls it would be perfect, plus there was the added fact that their Dad owned it, so they could sneak supplies in.

Tyler scoffed. "So what? For the rest of us we would have to run for our lives here while for you and your brother it's just a dash across your backyard? Yeah, real fuckin' convenient."
Taylor wanted to smack him—but she had to admit that he had somewhat of a good point. It wouldn't be fair to Ben, Aiden, and them.
"That's not what I was planning," Ashlyn said, pulling out her phone and pulling up google maps. "I was thinking we could all meet up at this convenience store—it's about the same distance away from all of our houses. Then as a group, we could run together to the graveyard."
Ashlyn took in a deep breath. "Let's take a vote—Is everyone ok with this location and plan?"
Aiden nodded. "Eh, I'm cool with it. Sounds fun!"
Logan eyed him, still unsure of whether or not he should trust Aiden or be worried that Aiden would stab him in his sleep.
"I'm with Aiden," Ben typed out on his phone.
"I think it's a good plan!" Taylor said.
"It's stupid, but it's probably our best shot." Tyler said. Taylor elbowed him.
"Be nice!" She scowled.
Ashlyn let out a sigh of relief.
"Alright. Let's make sure we have supplies and everything we need on the bus."

The group boarded the bus, but Ashlyn couldn't shake this feeling of dread on her shoulders. Granted, she had been feeling this for over a week now, but right now she couldn't shake this feeling that something bad would happen. She looked to her brother, concerned for his safety. Nothing bad would happen, she would make sure of it.

Everything was fine.

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