Chapter 2 "A Rocky Mission"

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A week had passed since Dr. James Hartson's discussion about his Type 1 diabetes with Dr. Jennifer Keller. He had spent this time preparing for his first off-world mission with the main crew of Atlantis, eager to put his geological ability to work in the Pegasus Galaxy. The anticipation and excitement were building within him as the day of departure arrived.

Dressed in his off-world gear, which included a vest laden with geological instruments and a backpack filled with survey equipment, James joined the rest of the team in the embarkation room. The Stargate loomed in front of him, its event horizon shimmering with an otherworldly energy.

John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex, Rodney McKay, and the other members of the team were busy with their own preparations. John addressed the group with authority, laying out the mission's objectives and the roles each member would play. James listened attentively, his enthusiasm growing with every passing moment. As the team stepped through the Stargate, they found themselves on a planet with unique rock formations and a stunning landscape. The sky was a deep shade of blue, and the flora and fauna were unlike anything James had ever encountered on Earth. He could not help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the geological treasures awaiting discovery.

His geological expertise came into play as he began to analyse the rock formations and conduct mineral surveys. With his small, compact hammer in hand, he chipped away at an unusual rock outcropping, while his scanner analysed the composition of the stone. The data he collected would supply crucial insights into the planet's geological history and potential resources. Teyla, who had taken an interest in his work, asked, "Dr. Hartson, what do you make of these formations? They seem unlike anything we've encountered before."

James carefully examined the rock samples and replied, "These formations are extraordinary. It is possible they were shaped by volcanic activity or some other geological process we have not seen on Earth. I'll need to run more tests to be sure."

As the day progressed, the team encountered various challenges, from navigating the unfamiliar terrain to dealing with local wildlife. At one point, Dr. Rodney McKay grumbled about the planet's peculiar magnetic anomalies, but James's geological insights helped the team adapt to the situation. As he focused on a particularly intriguing outcrop, Rodney, the expedition's resident astrophysicist and scientist, approached, wearing his usual air of scepticism. "What are you doing, Dr. Hartson?" Rodney asked, his tone tinged with impatience.

James looked up, momentarily taken aback by the abrupt interruption. "I'm conducting a mineral survey on these rock formations," he replied, his enthusiasm undeterred. "They're unlike anything we've seen before, and I believe they might hold valuable data."

Rodney rolled his eyes, clearly unimpressed. "Minerals? That is what you are focused on? We are in a different galaxy, potentially light-years away from Earth, and you are chipping at rocks? I am here to study the fundamental forces of the universe!" The interaction left James feeling deflated. He understood that Rodney's scientific pursuits were vastly different from his own, but he had hoped for a more collaborative environment. Especially this being James' first true mission off-world. Still, he remained undeterred, offering a polite response. "Well, Dr. McKay, understanding the geological history of a planet can provide valuable insights into its ecosystem and history. It's all part of the puzzle."

As he continued his study, he hoped to bridge the gap and find common ground with his fellow scientists, even if it meant chipping away at a few more rocks along the way. Continuing his geological study, the tranquillity of the alien planet was shattered by an unexpected and ominous sight: a Wraith ship, menacing and predatory, appeared in the sky above. The arrival of the Wraith vessel sent a wave of tension through the entire team.

Colonel Sheppard quickly ordered the team to retreat to a concealed location. The Stargate was their only way home, but it was now guarded by the Wraith ship. The urgency of the situation was palpable. Teyla, with her keen understanding of the Wraith, whispered to James, "We must be silent and hidden. The Wraith are a formidable threat, and we must avoid their attention." James nodded, his heart racing. He had heard tales of the Wraith's ruthless and insatiable hunger for life force. The team huddled together in a rocky outcropping, their eyes fixed on the sky as the Wraith ship descended, scanning the area with its formidable sensors.

The minutes felt like hours as the tension in the air grew. James could not help but glance at his insulin pump, wondering how he would manage if they were forced to stay hidden for an extended period. It was a grim reminder of the unpredictability of their situation. The Wraith ship hovered ominously, but then, as suddenly as it had appeared, it ascended and retreated into the depths of space. A collective sigh of relief passed through the team.

Over the communicator Elizabeth Weir's voice broke the silence. "You should regroup and find an alternative plan. Your mission has become even more complex, but you can't give up." James knew that their journey in the Pegasus Galaxy had just taken an unexpected turn. 

Luckily for the crew, the Stargate was not guarded due to its hidden location within a canyon. So escape from any Wraith darts was easy.

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