Chapter 4: Found

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Ten agonizing minutes later, as Dr. James Hartson lay in the dimly lit corridor of Atlantis, his condition hadn't improved. His vision remained blurry, and his thoughts were fragmented as he continued to fight the overwhelming weakness and disorientation. Desperation was setting in, and he knew he couldn't wait any longer. In his fading state, he finally managed to activate his communicator, his voice quivering as he called for help.

"Medical team," he managed to croak out, his voice barely audible. "This is Dr. Hartson... I'm... I need help... in corridor... medical emergency."

The response was quick. A team of Atlantis medical personnel, including Dr. Jennifer Keller, rushed to his location, alerted by his distress call. They eventually found James in a state of severe hypoglycaemia, meaning his blood sugar was dangerously low. Dr. Keller, with her efficiency, administered a glucose injection to James. He was weak but now on the path to recovery.

Jennifer Keller placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and said, "You're going to be okay, James. You did the right thing by calling for help. We'll monitor your blood sugar levels and make sure you're stable."

As Dr. James Hartson lay in the infirmary, his strength slowly returning and his blood sugar levels stabilizing, he couldn't shake the overwhelming feeling of guilt that had settled in the pit of his stomach. It gnawed at him, and he couldn't help but replay the events of the past hour in his mind.

He felt guilty for not excusing himself from the debriefing earlier, despite his worsening condition. He knew he should have prioritized his health, but the fear of making a poor impression on his new colleagues had held him back. His decision to remain silent in the meeting had ultimately led to his collapse. He also felt bad for worrying his fellow team members, especially Dr. Jennifer Keller, who had been so understanding and supportive. He didn't want to be a burden or cause any concern, yet his condition had forced their immediate attention.

James knew that managing his diabetes was a personal responsibility, but he couldn't help but chastise himself for not being more proactive in that critical moment. His guilt weighed on him as he lay there, trying to reconcile his desire to contribute to the team with the very real need to prioritize his health. Dr. Jennifer Keller noticed the turmoil in his expression as she monitored his recovery and sat down beside him. She spoke softly, "James, don't blame yourself for what happened. Your health is essential, and I'm glad you called for help. We're a team here, and we support each other, no matter what. But next time inform us before you decide to hide your symptoms." Her words were comforting, and James knew she meant them, but the guilt still lingered.

A short while after Jennifer had helped stabilize James, the infirmary's doors slid open, and Elizabeth Weir, entered. Jennifer noticed her arrival and moved to update her on James's condition. She gestured toward James and whispered, "Dr. Weir, James had a severe hypoglycaemic episode. He's stable now, but it was quite serious."

Dr. Weir approached James's bedside, her expression a mix of understanding and concern. She spoke with genuine care in her voice, "James, how are you feeling now?" James looked up, still feeling a lingering sense of guilt for the incident. "I'm better now, Dr. Weir. I should've excused myself from the meeting earlier, but I didn't want to disrupt things."

Elizabeth nodded, her eyes reflecting empathy. "Your health is a priority, James, and we're a team. We support each other, and we understand that sometimes medical issues can't wait. Please don't hesitate to take care of yourself when needed." James appreciated her words and the reassurance they brought. Her understanding helped alleviate some of his lingering guilt. He nodded gratefully and replied, "Thank you, Dr. Weir. I'll remember that going forward."

Dr. Weir patted his shoulder gently and said, "Good. We're all here to explore the Pegasus Galaxy, but your well-being is paramount. We'll make sure you have the support you need to manage your diabetes while contributing to our missions." Her visit and words of encouragement provided James with a renewed sense of purpose and a reassurance that he was a valued member of the Atlantis team. As he continued to recover, he felt a growing sense of camaraderie and a determination to balance his scientific pursuits with his commitment to his health in this remarkable and challenging environment.

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