Chapter 6: A Dinner Date?

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After several days of close bonding and camaraderie, Radek extended a warm invitation to James for a meal in the Atlantis mess hall. The idea was to properly introduce James to the core members of the Atlantis expedition when not under threat of a wraith ship. This includes John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex, and Rodney McKay. As they gathered at a corner table in the bustling mess hall, Radek introduced James to the group, each member offering a friendly welcome. John Sheppard, the charismatic military leader, gave a nod and a smile, Teyla Emmagan, the skilled Athosian warrior, offered a warm greeting, and Ronon Dex, the imposing and stoic Satedan, gave a friendly nod.

And then there was Rodney McKay, the brilliant but often brusque scientist, who was busy engrossed in his meal. Without looking up, he mumbled a half-hearted acknowledgment. "Oh, you're the geologist guy, right? The one who cares way to much about minerals?"

James chuckled awkwardly, deadpanning slightly, and replied, "That's right, Dr. McKay. I specialize in geology, and it's a pleasure to meet you all, under better circumstances." As they enjoyed their meal and engaged in conversation, James found himself fitting in surprisingly well with this diverse and capable group. The camaraderie was evident, and he was struck by the dynamic and balance within the team. It was an opportunity to bond not just on a professional level but also on a personal one.

As the conversation flowed, Rodney couldn't help but steer it towards his own ailments. He was a known hypochondriac, often prone to complaining about various imaginary health issues, and today was no different. "Ugh, I can't believe how shaky I am. I'm sure my blood sugar is plummeting. Hypoglycaemia is no joke, you know," Rodney groaned dramatically as he inspected his meal with suspicion. James, with a sympathetic smile, understood the challenges of blood sugar management all too well. He couldn't help but chime in, "I completely understand, Dr. McKay. Managing blood sugar can be quite a task."

However, the rest of the group was less enthusiastic, having witnessed Rodney's penchant for hypochondria many times before. John rolled his eyes, Teyla exchanged an amused glance with Ronon, and they collectively considered this as another one of Rodney's exaggerated complaints. John, who was considered Rodney's closest friend, couldn't resist making a cheeky comment. "Rodney, you're fine. Just eat your food, and you'll stop thinking your blood sugar is crashing."

Rodney huffed indignantly, shooting James an apologetic glance, "See, Hartson, they don't understand. It's a very real and very serious issue."

James, caught between empathy and the clear exaggeration of Rodney's complaints, simply nodded. Amidst the playful banter and Rodney's theatrical complaints about his health, James discreetly took a moment to check his insulin pump. He had grown used to managing his it, and this was a routine he performed with precision. He tried to be as inconspicuous as possible, not wanting to draw attention to his health routine in front of his new colleagues. As he adjusted the settings and double-checked his blood glucose monitor, Rodney, ever the observant scientist, couldn't resist but ask, "Hartson, what's that you're fiddling with there?"

James, momentarily caught off guard, replied with a small smile, "Oh, this is my insulin pump. I have Type 1 diabetes, and it helps me manage my blood sugar levels." The rest of the group, including Rodney, fell silent for a moment, absorbing this new piece of information about their geologist colleague. "Ah... so that's why you were stuck in the infirmary?" Radek speaks up finally. James only nods in response.

James's vulnerability in sharing this aspect of his life with the team was met with understanding and support. John, in his typical light hearted manner, quipped, "We all have our quirks, don't we? You fit right in with the rest of us, Hartson." This reassurance eased James's momentary awkwardness, and he continued with his meal, grateful for the acceptance he had found in Atlantis.

As the meal continued in the mess hall, he couldn't help but exchange a warm and understanding glance with Radek, who sat across from him. Their eyes met, and an unspoken passion passed between them. Their smiles were full of understanding and kindness. It was a moment of connection that transcended words, a silent acknowledgment of the hurdles they both navigated daily. James felt grateful for the support and acceptance he had found in Radek and for the genuine friendship that had grown between them.

Radek's smile held warmth, a silent assurance that they were in this together, both as scientists and as individuals facing the challenges of life in Atlantis. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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