s.m dreams & schemes - six

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page torn from book, date missing, found between yearbook pages

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page torn from book, date missing, found between yearbook pages

lewis. talk to lewis. he knows more than anyone 

lewis has known everything till now even before it happened 

how does he know? there's a running joke that he's god but sometimes i believe it because he just knows things that most people shouldn't know 

he hangs around with the "dreamies" but he's almost conditioned them to behave the way he wants them to behave? if anusha gets too enthusiastic he like nudges her and she stops? every single time? 

he'd done it to harry and patrick too somehow it's weird 

if they let on too much he stops them but i don't think they realize they have conditional reactions because sometimes even if it looks accidental from him they stop 

how does lewis know and what does lewis know?

every now and then i'll see him and he'll just be reading or going through the same unmarked hardcover book and he puts it away almost immediately if someone is near

maybe he's really into voodoo but idk it's just weird

who knows


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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