Chapter 2: Consumed Pt. 2

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Peter is consumed and becomes venom after murdering kraven.


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As Peter relentlessly pursues Kraven's henchmen through the winding passages of the abandoned facility, his actions become increasingly brutal, marked by sheer force and an utter lack of control. His aggression is palpable, and he pummels any hunter in his path with a ruthless determination.

Marry Jane follows closely, her concern for her boyfriend growing with each passing moment. She watches in apprehension as Peter moves with frenetic energy, his frustrated growls and roars echoing through the dimly lit corridors.

Amid this chaotic pursuit, the facility's eerie silence is suddenly shattered by a deafening sound caused by some nearby construction equipment. The piercing noise sends shockwaves through the symbiote, causing it to shriek in agony. The tendrils of the suit writhe and move violently, their reaction mirroring the torment it's experiencing.

Swiftly recognizing the danger, M.J. springs into action. With a determined wrench, she disables the noisy machinery, halting the unbearable sound. As the machine falls silent, Peter collapses to the floor, unconscious and defenseless. The weakened suit, now exposed, unveils Peter's vulnerable face, a stark contrast to the fierce and uncontrolled force it had been moments ago. The once-dominant symbiote now lays in a state of uncertainty, its fate entwined with the fate of the one who wears it.

As Mary Jane, deeply concerned for her unconscious boyfriend, approaches him, she grasps her shock gun as a desperate measure to rouse him from his unconscious state. With a surge of determination, she administers the shock, sending a jolt of electricity through Peter's body.

Peter's face is once again concealed by the symbiotic mask, but as he awakens, a subtle change takes place. His voice, once filled with worry and confusion, becomes tinged with an unsettling anger, its tone growing deeper and more ominous.

The symbiotic suit, reacting to this surge of emotion, undergoes a transformation of its own. Its mouth contorts into a grotesque maw, revealing razor-sharp teeth and a menacing tongue that lashes out before reverting to its previous texture. The symbiote's influence on Peter's emotions and actions continues to intensify, creating an unsettling and dangerous dynamic between the two.

As the terrifying transformation takes hold of Peter, his aggression escalates to a new level. In a blind and frenzied attack, he lunges at Mary Jane with a ferocity that is both shocking and heartbreaking.

Miraculously, M.J. manages to evade the vicious assault, escaping from the clutches of the monstrous figure her boyfriend is rapidly becoming. Fear and desperation propel her to hide from the creature Peter has become, seeking refuge and safety.

Frustrated growls echo through the abandoned facility as Peter's search for Kraven intensifies. The symbiotic suit warps and contorts, molding itself around him in a more muscular and imposing form. With every passing moment, the line between hero and antagonist blurs further, and Peter's inner struggle becomes a desperate battle against the malevolent forces within him.

As the terrifying transformation takes hold of Peter, his aggression escalates to a new level. In a blind and frenzied attack, he lunges at Mary Jane with a ferocity that is both shocking and heartbreaking.

Miraculously, M.J. manages to evade the vicious assault, escaping from the clutches of the monstrous figure her boyfriend is rapidly becoming. Fear and desperation propel her to hide from the creature Peter has become, seeking refuge and safety.

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