One-Shot? - SUD

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SUD  - An addiction disorder despite Harmful effects - No offense or insult to those with this disorder, Please respect.

After Peter Parker gets his new suit, he becomes quickly addicted to it, thinking it's improving his life. Venom takes control when the suit gains its sentience and purpose when coming in contact with the meteor, bonding fully with its chosen one, before Miles can save him.


In the dramatic moments when Kraven appeared to have dealt a fatal blow to Spiderman, Harry jumped into action, using his suit to save his endangered friend. Little did they know, the symbiote had secretly chosen its next host. Once Spiderman donned his new suit, he immediately experienced a surge in strength, speed, and agility. As his abilities flourished under the suit's influence, the shadows of impending side effects emerged, reminiscent of the early stages of an addictive struggle.

Empowered by his newfound enhancements, Spiderman embarked on a mission to track down Doctor Connors and Kraven. His goal was to rescue his ailing friend Harry, who suffered from a sickness mirroring that of his mother. Kraven had subjected Connors to a transformation into the Lizard, an alteration that restored Doctor Connors' lost arm and stirred his primal instincts. Though he retained a semblance of control, he acted as a predator.

As Spiderman navigated the challenging quest to save the Doctor, subtle signs of uncontrollable anger began manifesting as side effects. The heightened abilities came at a cost, unveiling a darker and more volatile side of the hero. The constant stress, and suffering from losing his aunt had come back to bite him in the ass.

The symbiote instantly learned everything that happened to him, feeling sympathetic with him, the suit never left him, providing him comfort and strength. But it was also reflecting its actions through his emotions. The suit knew Peter Parker better than he knew himself.

Once the doctor was safely back in his human form, Peter carefully placed him on the couch in the lab. As they both caught their breath, the doctor began to explain the incredible truth about the suit. It turned out that the suit was not just any ordinary piece of clothing, but an alien creature from outer space. This creature could bond with a host at a cellular level, merging with their very being. And astonishingly, Peter had been chosen as its host.

Against his better judgment, Peter made the fateful decision to keep the symbiote suit for himself, despite its growing hold on him. Before leaving the lab, he couldn't resist taking the meteor that had been carefully stored in a tube. With the meteor in his possession, Peter hurriedly made his way back to his house.

As soon as he came into contact with the meteor once again, the symbiote's grip on him tightened even further. It solidified its control over Parker, becoming an addiction that he couldn't break free from. The risk of withdrawal and even death loomed over him, but Peter was unable to resist the allure of the symbiote's power.

Consumed by a thirst for revenge, Peter sought out Kraven, determined to make him pay for his actions. In his relentless pursuit, Peter didn't hold back, incapacitating Kraven's goons with brutal force, breaking their limbs in the process. With each act of violence, his sense of morality began to erode, leaving him twisted and corrupted.

Finally, Peter confronted Kraven, bursting through a wall with a fury that seemed unstoppable. The ensuing fight was brutal, with both combatants unleashing their full strength. As the battle raged on, Peter teetered on the edge of losing total control, his rage threatening to consume him completely.

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