Chapter 3: Reunion

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After becoming one with the symbiote and accepting its plans, Venom sets out to infect his friends and begin the invasion of the symbiotes. 


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After forming a connection with Peter, Venom sets out on a mission to find Harry, who is currently visiting MJ at May's house. When he arrives, Venom swiftly changes back into Peter's form. Upon entering the house, he finds MJ and Harry, both enjoying coffee, though Harry looks quite unwell. As he walks in, MJ is startled to see him but refrains from reacting.

"Harry, MJ, you both seem a bit on edge. Would it be alright if we joined you for a cup of coffee?" Peter asks calmly as he takes a seat at the table.

"Why are you here, Peter?" MJ asks, her tension palpable as she remains seated.

Harry stands up and pours a cup of coffee for Peter, inquiring, "Have you finally managed to get rid of it?" His voice is weakened by his illness. "If so, please return my suit. I'm clearly not in great shape, as you can see."

"No, we haven't gotten rid of it. Something extraordinary has occurred, and we're here to share this gift with both of you," Peter replies as he stands and moves behind Harry. "We've found a way to cure your illness, and more than that, to heal the world completely from sickness and death."

"This isn't you, Peter," MJ says, sensing something is amiss with her boyfriend.

"Wrong. This is everything I've always wanted to be. I've become a better Spider-Man, capable of stopping crime and helping the world," Peter explains as he walks over to the counter and gazes at a picture of him and May. "I finally have the power to achieve our dream, Harry. Don't you want to be healed?"

"Peter, you have to get rid of that thing!" MJ exclaims, clearly unsettled by the situation.

"It's not a thing. Don't call us a thing," Peter retorts. Suddenly, a tendril extends from Peter's arm, shattering the table. MJ quickly moves out of harm's way, as does Harry, although weakly. Harry looks at Peter with shock.

"Peter..." Harry says, still in shock.

"We are not 'Peter," Peter says, as the symbiote continues to envelop him slowly. "We are Venom!" Peter and Venom both declare simultaneously, and the hulking figure of Venom materializes in the room.

Venom swiftly extends a tendril toward Harry and MJ, forcibly pushing them out of the dinning room. MJ attempts to help Harry and make an escape, but a tendril snags Harry, pulling him closer to Venom. Venom seizes Harry by the throat, and tendrils from its arm envelop Harry's head completely, shrouding him in the symbiote's dark tendrils.

Harry chokes as the black substance enters him through his mouth, yet he begins to feel surprisingly better. His ailment rapidly vanishes, the symbiote's influence curing him almost instantly.

MJ, having fled as far as she could and calling Miles through her phone, is now safe for the moment. Harry regains consciousness, now in his new gray symbiote form. The symbiote's head lacks eyes but features a spiral pattern, with a maw similar to the one that created him. The head of the symbiote vanishes, revealing Harry's happy face. He feels significantly better, completely cured and noticeably stronger.

"Thanks, Pete, I feel so much better. This feels amazing!" Harry exclaims with joy as the gray symbiote tissue tightens around him. "What do we do now?"

"Go after her. Show her what she's missing. We have other matters to attend to," Venom says as he leaps out of the house through the door, being careful not to damage the home that once belonged to his aunt.

Later at Connors Secret Lab:

Venom crashes through the roof and heads towards the pieces of the meteorite. Dr. Connors appears before him, trying to stop Peter before he takes an action he might regret.

"Peter, you have to listen to me. The symbiote is controlling you. You must stop it before it permanently bonds with you as its host. It's attaching itself to you with every passing moment," Dr. Connors implores.

Venom seizes him by the throat with his clawed hand. "You tried to destroy us, separate us from each other. Let us return the favor." Venom then proceeds to throw Dr. Connors out of the lab through the window. He is caught by Miles, who enters the room through the roof. 

"Pete, we can help you get rid of this thing. Please, just let Connors go," Miles pleads as he holds the unconscious Connors.

Venom leaps through the roof and makes his way to the center of the city. Once there, the symbiote comes into contact with the meteorite, triggering the symbiote mass to expand and grow rapidly. The ground cracks, and buildings' roofs are shattered as multiple symbiote tendrils emerge from the ground, infecting any innocent bystanders with the dark substance. Before long, the entire city is overtaken, its inhabitants transformed by the symbiote's influence. The once bustling city now stands in eerie, symbiote-infested silence.

To be continued...


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