When I first met him

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It was a average day. I was walking around as usual taking in the fresh air . Aah~ what a nice day! I said as i munched on a yummy cinnamon roll i had bought from the nearby bakery. It wasn't often i came up to the surface..Usually when i did it was because i sneaked out of the house when my "mermaid princess duties" became too overwhelming.. besides i loved the land.. the people.. the animals.. the cinnamon rolls~ >w< .Although this time i wasn't sneaking out.. i was ordered to stay on land for some time in fear for my safety.. It seems their is someone trying to take down Aqua Regina the Godess of the sea.. and there have been reports of attempted mermaid princess kidnappings so in order to protect our safety we have been ordered to disguise ourselves as normal everyday teenage girls.Normally I'd be thrilled at such a opportunity...however I'm worried about my people.. I should be the one protecting them..not them protecting me..isnt that the role of a princess? To make sure her subjects are happy and safe?I sigh gently who does this guy think he is anyway? Does he really think he could capture me that easily? I smirk hmph. I'd like to see him try. As I pulled up to take another bite of my cinnamon roll I saw it suddenly disappear from my hands. Wha...?where did it... I then turn to see a tall slim guy with red piercirg eyes pale skin and grey spiky hair wearing a black shirt paired with grey jeans.. I blushes a bit as I looked up at him..wait is he eating my cinnamon roll 0_0???hey give that back I say trying to take it back from him he just laughs sorry I just have a liking for sweets. W-well.. you didn't have to take mine u know I said as he handed it back to me. I could just buy u one if you asked. He blinked you'd actually do that for me? He said. Sure I said with a smile sweets are something everyone should share. I saw a faint blush on his cheek I just giggled a bit and took his hand.. come on I said sweetly the bakery will close soon..instead of walking I felt a slight tug on my Neck... in his hands was my shell necklace with my (ur favorite color) pearl inside..before I could reach for it back I felt smoke all around me...what's going on?

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