Gatio's Daughter!!?? (or so i thought)

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"Follow me" Gatio said as i suspiciously wondered what he possibly wanted me to do. It had to be something evil for sure... like cooking poor fishes or laughing evilly Q-Q... Or even using dramatic lighting bolt sounds every time he laughs! ... wait 0-0... ok maybe that's a little far fetched.. but still.. he has to be up to no good. Hang in their little fishes!! Q-Q  i thought as i approached the room  he wished for me to enter. My heart beated fast as he swung the doors open with a large bang. ...and then i saw it.....i couldn't believe my eyes.... it was... it was.... a little girl?? 0-0 "Koura. I brought you a new babysitter... er.. onee chan...". Babysitter... Babysitter!!??" hey! i yelled XC i didn't agree to take care of no child!! creepy kidnapper dude. He just looked at me funny and preceded to call out her name "Koura! come on.. we don't have all day" i heard a cute girly voice reply " im coming gatio sannn ^^"ok maybe this won't be so bad after all i thought as  i let out a small smile ...(i hope) .Relieved yet at a lost of words a very young looking adorable girl with pretty shiny black hair paired with fair skin, light purple eyes ,Topped with a white short sleeve shirt with a pink ribbon on it  and a pink skirt with dark pink and purple stips and a bubbly pink ribbon that matched her dark hair so perfectly came running towards me arms wide open as she almost knocked me down to the floor ....which was pretty surprising considering how much smaller she was then me.. wow.. little girls sure can kick ass 0-0... as i layed on the floor in pain she hugged me tightly and with the cutest voice ever and said" ^^ welcome home onee chan! <3 ". I couldn't help but smile and say " thank you". she seemed so warm and sweet. I wonder why she is here with umm... him....... >~> .. wait a second... could it be .. he's her daughter...????? " so you understand now right? you will take care of koura while i do my um.... work.." he said shifting his eyes to his work space it seems.quite suspicious if you ask me. Koura smiled brightly  as she looked in my direction and said " Yeah! wont you be my new onee chan! ^^ umm soon to be onee chan! ^^". " Yeah" I smiled " Yet im a bit surprised.." i said as i wondered how someone like gatio could make something so adorable and sweet. " How so..? " he said looking at me quite surprised like. " W-well.. i just didn't know you were  a dad... you honestly stuck me as someone who would never even consider parenting .. so it wouldn't interfere with your um... evil plans..". Quickly i saw his face turned bright red as he exclaimed " N-no! its just a big misunderstanding!! i just rescued her when her parents decided to give her away!!...that's all i swear! and im not that old! XC" . I couldn't help but laugh... he was so serious all the time.. seeing this side of him being so perplexed over a simple misunderstanding .. it was comedic...In frustration after seeing me rolling on the floor laughing he left with a bright red face and a large pout on his face. I felt kind of bad.. yet it was nice  to see him act normally for a change.. and to hear he helped this little girl.. was so sweet... almost like he really cared about something more then taking over the sea and "being evil".. Koura just smiled at me and said " Gatio onii chan gets frustrated alot like this some times. but don't worry he will be better soon ^^ " . I smiled back and said " Why don't we play then? so he has some time to cool off.. " . "yeah!" she beamed smiling " i'd love to get to know you better onee chan!" . "me too" i said.. you know... maybe this place.. isn't so bad after all...

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