Chapter 13: First Meetings and Goodbyes

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AN: Okay. For those of you not in the discord who didn't get to see the lovely rising from the dead posting I made, I shall give the cliff notes of what transpired.

Recent Star Wars Projects, particularly a certain part of Episode 5 of Ahsoka, have started to rekindle how I used to feel about the series before Episode 8 and 9 killed it for a while. I have not written in some time, but want to get back into writing, and want to at least finish the projects that meant the most to me.

This series, which people who know me have heard me refer to as My Baby, my favorite series that I'm most proud of, is at the top of my priority list. As such, I will ONLY be updating this one at an admittedly slow pace moving forwards, at least for a while.

I cannot promise a steady flow of chapters like in the golden days. I'm only halfway through my reread to get back in the mindset I was in before I went on my hiatus. There's already a few plot points I had that I want to workshop again. I've got some revamping for my plans that need to be done before I get much farther, some details I need to work out.

I felt confident posting this chapter next because I was halfway through it and thanks to a very emotional I've lost everything/my family DND character I have right now, I was already in a similar mindset that allowed me to still write this chapter.

I have to apologize again if characters seem a bit off for a while, it's been some time since I wrote my SW characters, and I may need to soak in some characterizations again for a bit before I can really hit my stride.

You will likely see one shots for Us Against the World instead of the next chapter for this, just because it feels safer to write the one shots while I get the sense of the characters again and I rework some of my plans, especially since the next chapter has a perfect setting for an idea I only have a vague concept of right now but need to figure out some details for and look back over some past events before I put it to words in a chapter. Plus, the one shots will give me the chance to knock off some rust and again, get used to characters I haven't written for in a couple years.

My discord people will likely hold me accountable going forwards since I'm serious about this, I even have a word counter channel where I post how many words I read each day and daily word count goals for the week.

I'm easing back into this, have patience with me in the meantime, it's going to be slow work since I have a lot of rereading and re researching and replanning to do before I feel confident in my plot again, and I'm out of practice writing and need to work back up to it, not to mention need to rewatch and finish some of the shows to both remind myself of the state of the galaxy, events and other factors in the galaxy leading up to where we are now, maybe even get some ideas. Your girl here used to write these chapters in a day, two max. Right now I'm averaging about 1000-1500 words a day. We'll get there.

For now, I have this chapter I still felt confident in. And I will slowly work through the next chapter while doing my research and planning, and maybe even get a few of my one shots out for Us Against the World, as well.

Be gentle with me, I've only just dipped my toe back into the water about three or four days ago, and I'm working on it <3


*Zelina's POV*

As they pulled out of hyperspace and the sight of Naboo materialized in front of Zelina for the first time in twenty years, the reality of this visit started to fall over her. Apparently, Luke was having his own realization next to her, based off the sense she was picking up on from his tumultuous Force presence. Of course, she had yet to tell him what specifically they were doing here. Right now, his mind had to be buzzing with theories on what they were doing visiting his mother's home planet, and what Zelina wanted them to do while they were here that would become impossible if they waited too long and became too entangled with the Rebellion.

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