Chapter 6: Flight

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Zelina stood alone in her room at the house, the few things she was actually going to take with her strewn across her bed. Luke was in his room hopefully doing something similar and getting ready to leave as well. After nearly twenty years living here, Zelina felt the stirrings of bitterness that they were going to have to leave, even if Tatooine was high on her most despised planets. It had still been home...more than once. How many times was she going to have to have to flee from this planet, though?

At least one more time, she couldn't help but think, turning her attention back to pulling on her sturdy pair of boots. She made sure her breastplate was in place before she picked up the wrap she always kept somewhere on her person in case she was caught in a sandstorm. She wrapped it around her chest, from shoulder to the opposite hip, wrapped it around her waist, did the same with the other shoulder, wrapped around her waist, and let the rest remain hanging in the back. Next came her belt, complete with her thigh holster for her blaster. Once that was securely in place, she clipped her lightsabers to their respective sides and slipped her vambraces onto her arms, making sure the edges of the armor weren't bothering her elbows before grabbing her cloak off of the bed and draping it over her arm for the time being.

Kneeling down, Zelina uncovered her small lockbox she kept buried in the center of her room, opening it up to reveal the contents within. She gathered up the holochips and the holocrons, all the teaching materials she'd been able to study or use for Luke's training over the years, and put them in the same bag she'd brought them to Tatooine in, deciding it was best to preserve the knowledge, especially since Luke still had things to learn. She also had a stash of Imperial Credits in the lockbox, meant for a situation just like this in case she didn't have time or enough security to drain her account.

After emptying the lockbox, she reached up and grabbed her heavily modified and very illegal DC-17 blaster. Thank the Force for Han's smuggling skills, trips, and contacts. She kept it here so that she would still have it when they left the planet, since she didn't want to run the risk of it getting confiscated or destroyed if she brought it every day to the cantina.

And now, she thought smugly, securing the blaster in her thigh holster, I'm finally going to be able to use it outside of basic practice.

After so long away from war, she hoped she was still fit for the front lines. She was twice as old as she'd been when the Clone Wars ended...

"Mother? Are you ready?"

Zelina looked over her shoulder to see Luke standing packed and ready. He was holding a poncho bunched up in his hand, about to put it on once he had a confirmation from Zelina. He wasn't wearing anything a Tatooine native would wear anymore, but rather something Zelina had bought him with the intent that it would be worn after they left. It was a long sleeved black button up, but made of a thinner material—enough to keep him warmer in space and provide some protection against cooler climates on other planets without tormenting him too much in the Tatooine heat, however long they stayed on the planet. Knowing him, he probably had a tank top underneath in case he got too hot. He also had the sturdy boots, light brown pants, a belt that had a holster complete with a blaster and his father's lightsaber already clipped to his side...

"Almost. Just want to check a few things before we leave," she murmured, running through the pockets on her belt and making sure she had everything.

Comlink, grappling hook, a small glowrod, lightsaber repair kit, a pocket with a few credits stashed inside, extra power packs for her blaster...

She only kept some of what used to be standard on a Jedi's utility belt, but this wasn't the same galaxy anymore. She'd tailored her utility belt to what she hoped was what she would need the most.

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