Chapter 12: Detour

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Surprise! Merry Christmas (Albeit a little early)!

I decided to get a Christmas present lined up for my readers this month, and I'm going through and posting a bunch of chapters on different websites for different fan fictions. I got way too eager to post this one and my Dragon Age one so I jumped the gun and just posted these ones early, though I'm still writing the other chapters, or at least scheming to get around writers block and technical issues for some of the others.

A certain recent finale got my Star Wars blood pumping again and I had to jump back into the Zelina universe. My inner rabid writing author is chomping at the bit to get back to and continue this story, I'm listening to the playlists again--it feels great.

Plus, I have officially graduated and am looking for freelance on my own time remote positions, so I might have more time to write them, too!


Sorry for the hiatus. Here is the next chapter, sorry if she feels a little off character wise, it's been a while and I'm writing all my Femme Fatales all at once, plus gearing up a big D&D Femme Fatale character right now, so some characteristics from the others might unintentionally blend over into the other characters.

PLLEEEAAASSSEEE review, it will help restart that writer engine of mine and keep me going while I try to get back into the swing of things.



Back on the ground inside the Yavin IV base, Zelina remained seated in her X-Wing long after she'd landed. The emotions of everyone in the room had reached a fever pitch, making the Force around her a roiling mess that caused her head to spin. In order to spare herself the dizzying sensation and get a few moments of peace, Zelina withdrew back into herself until all that she heard and felt was her breathing and the press of silence in the cockpit of the X-Wing.

She needed a moment to regather herself before she braved the fever pitch of the victory against the Empire. She would also need to regain her composure if she was going to handle the Rebellion Leadership present on Yavin as she went forward with her plans for herself and Luke. They wouldn't be happy, but thankfully neither Luke or herself had signed up for the Rebellion, so technically the Rebellion had no say in what they did. Zelina informing the Rebellion of what they were doing was more of a courtesy, and to secure information on how her and Luke would re-find the Rebellion when they were done.

Confronting a united front of Rebellion Leadership was a matter that could wait until they were on their way back to the Rebellion.

The celebrations in the hanger, though it didn't die down, seemed to be moving somewhere else, which caused Zelina to pull herself out of her thoughts and look out the cockpit of her ship to see the large mass of celebrators moving out of the hangar. Amid that mass she could sense Luke, Leia, and Han, all leading the celebrators as they drew further and further away from her range of sight...though she could still keep a sense of where Luke was in the Force.

Sighing, Zelina finally popped open the cockpit, climbing out with a slight frown on her face as she descended the ladder. The room was now mostly deserted, almost everyone swept away in the celebration of a victory that somehow seemed far away and removed from her. While they celebrated what seemed like a shining moment that would last forever in this great, monumental moment, to Zelina, it was simply...another battle, one of many, one that she thought would be swept away with time. For her, at least. She had the feeling this was a battle that would be a notable mark for Luke, just as Ruusan, Utapah, and The Jedi Temple had been notable marks in her history. But for this battle, Zelina felt more like a background player, and she was well aware that now there was a long list of battles looming in their future.

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