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Alex pov

hello I am alexander Hamilton, but you can call me Alex. I am the student body president of my high school. have been for two years now. I am always willing to work with shy people so when I saw a shy looking kid without a partner for my English class I jumped at the opportunity.

hello want to be partners?

the kid looked up at me and looked very shocked.

um ya ok. he said.

I took a seat next to him and I thought I would break the ice.

hi I'm Alex. what's you name? name is john. he said looking over at me and then looked down at his desk.

nice to meet you john! SOOO, I haven't seen you around before. you new?

um ya, I came from the privet school three blocks away. he said twirling a piece of his curly hair.

wow! you came from that school! to go there costs more money then I could ever dream of. I know I've done research.

haha, ya my moms sells engagement rings so ya. he said with a small smile.

dam, I wish I had that kind of money. but this school is cool to. I guess its better for me them most saying student body president comes with benefits. on the other hand I am surviving on energy drink and coffee.

first of all, that is so relatable. second of all, your student body president? why the fuck are you partners with me? shouldn't you be partners with other popular people. he said

you see even though I am student body president I don't really have many friends. I don't know why....that's a lie, I do know why, i just suck at socializing with people half the time.

then why was it so easy for you to talk to me? he asked not at all trying to offend you but you looked...kinda shy, and I'm normally better at talking to shy people because I know how it feels. you know?

haha ya you weren't wrong about me being shy. I hate people and because of that most people hate me. he said and that made me feel really bad for him.

ya I get it. I also hate people but the only reason I hate people is because they always hatted me for no reason and now that I hate them to they just hate me more and it makes me think if I'm just stuck in some sort of paradox of hatred for no god dam reason other than people being ass holes.

holly fuck you talk so much. he said

um sorry, some times I just shoot of at the mouth.

nah man it s cool. so can I have your number? he asked

wowww going strait for the number very bold.

ok ok keep it in your pants. I just meant for the "get to know each other thing" so we can keep in touch about it. he said flushing a little bit. it was kinda cute...wait what?

haha ya ok. 

we exchanged numbers and before we new it the bell rang. and that was when we found out that we literally have every single class together. like how?

( why the fuck did I think that john flushing was cute...ahh go away bi thought we just met him, he probably isn't even into guys...but my gaydare did kinda go off when I saw him though)

I was thinking about what I thought all day...wait what? anyways before I new it it was the end of the day and no matter what I did I just couldn't stop thinking about john.


hello my beautiful people hope you liked the new and improved chapter two. sorry for the short chapter I am very tired. pray for ya boy girl cuz I am struggling and trying to get my life together. anyways again hope you liked it and I just want ya'll to to one thing. comment your favorite Hamilton ship if it isn't lams. cuz i know tat my fave is lams but i still read jamilton fanfics. so ya byeeee loves!!!

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