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john pov

I  got home and thought about Alex. but I didn't know why. why was he so nice to me? i just don't get it. I was torn out of my thought when I heard my phone go off. it was Alex

Alex: hey, wanna hang?

holly shit holly shit stay calm.

john: ya ok

Alex: what's you address?

john: you want to come over to my place?

Alex: ya is that cool?

john: um ok here (some random address I don't know what I'm doing)

Alex: ayo we live in the same naberhood! I'm only like two minutes away!

john: sick just let me check in with my mom really quick.

Alex: ok

I went don stare and asked my mom about it.

but dear I wont be able to be there if someone needs me. I have a work event tonight. my mom said.

mom me and Alex are 17! we can handle ourselves.

sigh, I suppose you are right. just call if you need anything ok. she said before walking out the door.


I ran back upstairs to go tell Alex. I was so fucking happy. 

(ughh why gay thought must you do this to me!!! I just fucking met him!! but oh my god his fucking dimples and the way his hair kind of like blows around even when there's no wind!)

I got to my room practically threw myself at my phone and then texted him

john: you can come over!

Alex: fuck ya!!

john: my mom wont be home though she had to go on a work trip. 

Alex: ohh so we will be alone~

John: shut the actual fuck up

Alex: haha ok I will be there in a sec.

(ahh I cant believe this is happening!!!!! holly shittt. I haven't had someone other than laf and hurc over before. what should I do? I don't know him very well yet...well i guess we did kinda talk a lot in like every class. so I know more about him then I would have if we only had home room together. but I cant get ahead of myself. what if he gets to know me better and just hates me, like all the rest of them. the only people who didn't hate me after getting to know me was laf and hurc. )

I sat there thinking of all the people who he had been friends with and as soon as I said that one piece of information about myself they kicked him the curb. why was being gay so hard for people to except. I was reminiscing over that but then I heard the door bell ring. I ran down the stairs almost fell and swung open the door.


hey, come in.

Alex walked into the house and took off his shoes. thats when I noticed something that i think made me fall in love.

alex, you hair its down!

alex looked up from his tangled shoe lases and moved a piece of hair behind his ear.

haha ya um does it look ok? I don't normally ware it down but I have laterally broken all of my elastics and scrunchies.

first of all ya it looks great down you should do it more often, second of all how the fuck did you break your scrunchies visco girl?

Alex had finally gotten his shoes untied and took them off. he stood up placed a hand on my shoulder and said

some thing are better unsaid.

this made me die of laughter to the point where I was literally doubled over laughing. both of us stood there laughing for a solid two minutes. when the laughter died down I asked Alex if he wanted to go upstairs and watch a movie. he said ok so we walk up stairs and I immediately went for my closet.

dam man this room is big! in fact the whole house just looks and probably is big! he said looking around my room.

haha ya the house is pretty big. we have a pool and hot tub out back.

seriously??!?! he asked looking over at me. also what are you doing.

i responded by pulling out a big ass bucket up tapes.

getting some movie options. my flat screen kinda brock so wall its getting repaired my mom gave me this old tv.

I pointed over to the corner of the room. the tv was big and bulky but i loved it! i thought it was really cool.

wait so is that bin full of tapes? alex asked sitting down on my bed.

no its full of remotes. of course it is full of tapes.

haha that is one big container. he said pointing at it

you my mom gave these to me when I was little she said that she had collected tape since she was 12 and said she wanted me to have them and enjoy them. this was around the time my dad and mom got divorced.

my face fell knowing that I had said way to much...shit.

your parents are divorced? he asked

um ya...

ha same. he said

I'm sorry I made thing awkward. is it ok if we just watch jaws  and forget about it?

ya ok...lets watch the movie. Alex said

I put in the movie and we watched it forgetting all about what had happened. mostly. Alex laughed at me for noticing every little detail about the movie such as me noticing this one turtle that was on screen for two second. I thought just fir a moment. maybe this would be different.

 thank you all for being so patient with meI'm sorry for this took me so long to publish. school has taken so much of my energy. (cry's) ehem anyways. hope you all liked this chapter. byeeeeee

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