chapter 18.

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allison and i were just hanging around my place for the day doing nothing. we decided we needed a break to relax and to just leave the guys alone. but the matt calls me. he calls me. he asked if i could come talk to him. i quickly put my shoes on and run next door.

i walk in and all the guys were downstairs in the living room except matt so i run up to his room.

i find him sitting on his bed holding something in his hand and crying.

"matthew." i put my hand on his arm. "whats wrong?"

he looks up at me and wipes his face.

"i got my car from the shop today and the guy gave me a bag of stuff you found in the car."

i look at him confused.

"i found this necklace. i feel like i remember it but i dont know what it means. then i realized my key chain has the same thing and that our names are on the back." he looks at me with sad eyes and i try so hard not to cry "i want to remember you but i cant and i dont know why. can you please help me" he cries some more, making me cry too.

"shh dont cry matt. its okay. i want you to remember me too but i understand that you cant. i will help you i promise. when you were in the hospital i promised you that i would never leave you until you woke up and then i would never leave your side after you get out and i would help you get better and thats what i will do okay?" i hug him tight. it hurts so bad. but i felt so good to hold him agian.

he looks at me and smiles. "can you tell me about us?"

i take a deep breath and wipe my tears away.

"about a month and a half ago when you first moved in a came over to meet you guys and cameron opened the door and let me in. he told you guys my name and who i was and he pointed all you guys out to me and after he was done you starred straight at me and said 'im matt' then you started blushing and it was so cute. later on we went to the beach and you picked me up and threw me into the water. that was the first time we talked face to face. we talked the rest of the day then went back to my house to watch a movie with the guys and we fell asleep on top of each other cuddling. the next day my bestfriend came over, allison. we all hung out and we helped you unpack. later that night you guys came over to meet my cousin kayla. we watched movies and had chinese food. we then fell asleep cuddling together agian. we woke up in the morning and left all the guys and allison and went for a walk on the beach. we had alot of fun and you kissed me for the first time." i stopped talking and started crying a little.

"im sorry reagan. im sorry this is upsetting you.." he says grabbing my hand.

"its okay matthew its just hard." he nods and i continue.

"we had a hard time telling each other how we felt but when we did we finally became closer and then we went out on a date. you were not just a friend to me. you were a best friend to me. we were really close and i told you everything. on the date you asked me out and gave me that necklace. i had the necklace for me and you had the key chain for you. you said 'forever because we will always be together and we will now have them forever' with our names on the back so we will always have each other. thats when we finally started dating. i lost that necklace during the crach and i have been going crazy trying to find it ever since." i blink a few tears off my eyes and look at matt.

he reaches over and pulls me in for a hug.

"i promise you i will remember you. i just need time. we will work this out okay. im going to get this necklace fixed and you will have it back." he puts it in his pocket and holds me tighter, kissing my forehead.

matt and i layed down on his bed for a while just talking and laughing and it felt like we were getting to know each other all over agian. the we fell asleep. together.

im falling for matt all over agian and i didnt even stop falling for him yet.


comment what you guys think.

thanks xxxx.

forever?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ