When You Meet Again

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Freddy Kreuger:

It was another grueling night at school, surrounded by the drone of the copy machine and the sterile, artificial light of the library. You shuffled through stacks of papers, your eyes heavy. The rhythmic hum of the machine, combined with the monotonous task of copying tests for your teacher, created a lullaby that sang you into a reluctant slumber.

One second, you were shuffling papers, and the next, the room warped around you. The air shimmered with an otherworldly glow, and the once-familiar surroundings of the copy room had twisted into a surreal nightmare.

Your eyes darted around the room as you felt it - an unsettling energy that danced just out of reach. A soft, mocking chuckle echoed behind you, and the cheap carpet shifted beneath your feet.

Turning cautiously, your eyes met with the man from before. He hadn't changed at all, wearing the same Christmas sweater and dangerous smirk.

"Well, well, well," he drawled, his voice dark and slow. "Back for another round, are we?"

You stood your ground, a mixture of fear and defiance bubbling within you. This wasn't an ordinary dream; you knew that now. This was something else entirely, a supernatural force that relished in your terror.

The disfigured man circled you, tapping his claws against each other. The sharp ping-ping sent shivers down your spine. His eyes held a peculiar gleam. It reminded you of having a fever - big, glittering eyes that burned their way through you.

"You didn't scream last time, and that's mighty peculiar," Freddy mused, his tongue tracing the edges of his teeth. "Most people can't resist letting out a good ol' scream when I come a-knockin'."

You swallowed hard. "May - maybe you've got to rethink your hospitality, then."

A slow, wicked smile stretched his scars. "I like that," he hissed. "Spunk. A bit of a challenge."

A chilling breeze swept through the air as he stepped back, the atmosphere charged with an electrifying tension. His hand was outstretched, claws hovering in the space between you. It was as if he was testing the waters, intrigued by your resistance.

"Why aren't you begging for mercy, huh," the man taunted, eyes narrowing.

You dared to lock eyes with him, your voice steady despite every nerve in your body firing off. "I've got more fight in me than you bargained for."

His laughter echoed through the nightmare realm, giving you confusing butterflies. "We'll see about that."

The dream seemed to twist and contort, your surroundings morphing into a half-baked image. As the colors slid off the walls, the disfigured man took a step back with his hands raised innocently in the air.

"You know, bitch, I've got my own kind of rules," he purred. "You visit soon and maybe, just maybe, I'll let you live to see another day. But you stay awake too long? Consider this a warning - Freddy's got his eye on you."

The air rippled, and the dream world dissolved like sugar in a hot cup of tea, his disembodied voice lingering in the air.

You jolted, a bead of sweat trailing down your temple as you banged your hip on the corner of the copy machine. There was only one thing you were certain of in that moment - Freddy Krueger was a patient predator, and sooner or later, you wouldn't wake up.

Ben Willis:

It was an ordinary day at the grocery store when you crossed paths with Ben Willis again. The fluorescent lights flickered overhead, casting a sterile glow on the neatly organized aisles. Your shopping cart navigated through the maze of shelves, and you hummed with the faint melody playing over the speakers.

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