When You First Meet

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The summer sun relentlessly beats down on you, and you can feel the sweat dripping down your back. You've just moved to Chamberlain, Maine, and your dad insisted that church camp would be the perfect opportunity to make new friends before the school year starts.

Yet, as you stand amidst the lively crowd, you can't shake the feeling of being out of place. The other campers all know each other from previous years, and none make an effort to branch out of their tight-knit groups.

Throughout the week, you awkwardly float along the sidelines, talking to everyone so you don't stick out like a sore thumb but not making any real connections. Among the campers, only one other person seems to be as left out as you are. Carrie White. 

Mean, immature pranks are played on her - her underwear hidden, a snake slipped into her shoe, her mattress dragged into the woods. It honestly broke your heart to watch, and you silently promised yourself to try reaching out. 

One night, everyone is gathered around the campfire for s'mores and hot dogs. As a camp counselor starts a sing-along, you notice Carrie sitting alone.

Her gaze fixed on the flames and she almost looks like a ghost in her old-fashioned, white nightgown. She looks so isolated, so vulnerable in the fading light. Something warm within your chest stirs, and you find yourself quietly sneaking off. You approach her, offering a small smile. 

"Mind if I join you, Carrie?"

Startled, she looks up with her blue eyes blown wide. Her strawberry blonde hair falls in untamed waves, and she nervously braids and unbraids the ends. "Oh, um, sure," she stammers, shifting over to make room on the log.

As the night grows darker, you sit beside Carrie, talking about everything and nothing. Slowly, you see a flicker of trust light up her eyes. Other campers slowly start to drift off to bed, but you stay. Finally, as the moon hangs high in the sky, her voice breaks and snotty tears run down her face. You wrap your arm around her, offering comfort in the quiet of the cabin.

Queen Akasha:

In the ancient land of Egypt, where the sun kissed the sand and the Nile flowed with secrets, you had always lived within the shadows of the palace. Your parents were tired laborers who toiled under the blazing heat, but you knew the higher ranks looked down on people like you.

You had never truly understood it - what was Egypt but a sea of sand? What were the pyramids but rock and dust? Your people, with scarred hands and tired eyes and burnt skin made it into something grand. Your people made theirs possible.

But the world did not see it that way, and you soon decided that you must become someone important if your family was ever to be respected. 

You were drawn to the martial arts, sneaking into training sessions whenever you could. Your parents recognized your unique talent for combat and stealth, and they found ways to bribe you into secret lessons. Years of relentless practice and training honed your skills, turning you into a formidable warrior. 

It wasn't long before you were recruited to protect the pharaoh, Enkil. You accepted the role without hesitation, swearing an oath to protect Enkil even through the afterlife.

As pharaoh, he was born of the gods and ruled over all of Egypt. You could find no greater honor than to serve him and protect your people.

Yet, as you stood vigilant by the pharaoh's side, you couldn't help but feel Queen Akasha's dark eyes upon you. Her reputation as a figure of power and beauty had reached your ears, and her gaze held a magnetic pull that was impossible to ignore. She was well-loved by Enkil, even with his multitude of concubines, and was always covered in jewels as a testament to her status. 

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