When You Meet Again

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The first day at Thomas Ewen High School is a whirlwind of new, new, new. The hallways are like a maze and every locker looks exactly the same. Your classmates' names and faces blur together in your mind, and you mix people up more than just a few times throughout the day. It's overwhelming, and your shoulders tense with anxiety.

But on the second day, as you're walking to your next class, you catch a glimpse of familiar strawberry-blonde hair, a flash of pale skin. Your heart skips a beat, and you quicken your pace, eager to reunite with Carrie. She's sitting on a bench, deep in a book. Her skirt is so long it drags in the dirt, and her forehead is dotted with sweat from wearing so many layers. 

"Carrie!" you call out, your voice filled with excitement.

Startled, she jumps out of her seat and grabs her backpack. Her response is more jittery than you remember, and you pay extra attention to the way everyone stopped to stare at you. 

"Oh, it's you," Carrie stammers, closing her book with shaky hands and sitting back down.

You take a seat beside her, a mix of joy and concern in your eyes. 

"I've been looking all over for you. How have you been?"

She shrugs, her gaze fixed on the floor. 

"Just the same, I guess."

You notice how her shoulders hunch, as if she's bracing herself. The students are still casting curious glances your way, but they're just silent, hovering shadows.

"I'm glad I found you," you say. "It was nice talking to you at the camp, and I wanted to catch up."

Carrie's gaze meets yours, and for a brief moment, you see a flicker of something beneath her usual shyness. 

"Really?" she asks, her voice soft but hopeful.

You nod, a smile tugging at your lips. 

"Absolutely. You're actually a lifesaver. I was so stressed about being all on my own, but here you are! Just when I need you."

As the words leave your lips, Carrie blinks long and slow. It's clear that she's not used to kindness, and it both warms your heart and saddens you that you're the first.

Carrie's fingers play nervously with her sleeves, eyes dropping to her lap. 

"I... I appreciate it."

"You don't have to thank me. Friends look out for each other, right?"

The word "friends" hangs in the air, and you see a complicated mix of emotions dance across Carrie's face—hope, uncertainty, a touch of disbelief. It's as if she's not sure if she's allowed to have a friend, like she needs permission. 

You decide to change the subject, steering towards safer ground. 

"Have you seen any good movies lately? Or any books?"

Carrie's eyes light up at the mention of books, a topic she clearly adores. She starts to speak, her words flowing more freely, the nervous tension slowly melting away. You find yourself drawn into the conversation, sharing your own favorite stories and authors. Both of you are surprised when the late bell rings, and you look around to see the courtyard mostly empty. 

"Aww, man! I totally lost track of time," you sigh. Standing up, you offer Carrie a warm smile. "Hey, mind walking me to class? You might get a pass since I'm new."

The idea seems to both surprise and please her. She hesitates for a moment before nodding, a small but genuine smile tugging at the corners of her lips. 

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