Missing Spaghettis.

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Mario: LUIGI !!!

Luigi: What is it Mario ?!

Mario: Mario's spaghettis are missing !

Luigi: What !!! Who can do something this mean !

Mario: Wait ! I think Mario have an idea... Yesterday, Meggy cames here and she tolds me that next time i do something that annoys her, she'll take the spaghettis from Mario !

Luigi: Ok, but why did she tolds you that ?

Mario: Oh, because she thinks i am the one who put her cat in Tari's house, but thats false !

Luigi: What ? And why dont you tell her ?

Mario: I tried, but she wasnt listening to me !

Luigi: Oh ok. So what have you done this time ?

Mario: I swear to god i havent done anything !

Luigi: I trust you bro, but why did she takes your spaghettis ?

Mario: Cuz she's a bitch !

Luigi: Honestly, i dont think she's the one who stole your spaghettis.

Mario: If Meggy isnt the responsible, it can only be... YOU !

Luigi: WHAT ?!

Mario: The only ones who have the keys of the house is Meggy, because she stoled them from me. And YOU, my dear brother !

Luigi: Mario, i swear i would never do something like that to you !

Mario: How can i trust you ?

Luigi: I'm your brother !

Mario: Ok, if its not you or Meggy, who stole Mario's spaghettis ?

Luigi: I dont know, lets go buy some, ok ?

Mario: Ok ! ...WAIT, i know who it is !

Luigi: Really ?

Mario: Its Tari !

Luigi: What ? Why would she do that ?

Mario: Because recently, she tolds me that SMG3 hated spaghettis, she also tolds me that she was the only one with him to know. SO, if she want to get revenge on SMG3, she can put spaghettis in his food to fool him !

Luigi: Oh, ok.

Mario: Mario's gonna get revenge on this little shit !

SMG4 Dark Fanfiction (Meggy and Tari vs SMG3 and SMG4)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu