The Final Fight !

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Mario was spying on Meggy and Tari at Tari's house, they were playing some video games...

Mario: Ok they're at Tari's !

SMG4: Ok, we're coming !

But Mario saw that Meggy was eating spaghettis while playing !

Mario: Quick, they got Mario's spaghettis hostage !

SMG3: Ok, we should be here in 3 minutes !

Mario: Ok... Sorry guys, but i cant let her eat my spaghettis !

SMG4: What do mean ? Mario ?! Mario !

SMG3: Ah, crap !

Mario gets in the house and says...

Mario: Give me my spaghettis back now !

Meggy: Haha ! Look at that, Tari ! The little plumber has come to save his precious spaghettis !

Tari: Hehe.

Mario: Give it back !

Meggy: Nah, i'm gonna eat all this spaghettis ! What are you going to do ?!

Mario: I'm gonna kick your ass !

Meggy: Mario, you seriously think you have a chance against me ?

Mario: No, but WE have a chance !

Meggy: What ?

Then SMG3 And SMG4 Kick the door and get in the house to kick Meggy !

SMG4: I'm gonna make you pay for what you've done to my pc !

Meggy: Lets see that !

Meggy kick SMG4 in the face, then kick SMG3 in the balls !

SMG3: Ah ! My eggdogs!

But suddenly, Mario jumped on Meggy and starts to punch her ! Tari tried to help her but SMG4 show her a video of rubber duck getting crush by a man ! That makes her cry on the floor, she was deafeted ! Mario gets kicked in the face by Meggy and she wanted to kick him again but SMG4 says...

SMG4: Meggy ! Its you and me now !

Meggy: Ok !

Meggy tried to punch SMG4 but he dodges and punches her in the face ! Meggy says...

Meggy: Ok, i'm gonna use my secret attack ! Tari !

Tari: Ok !

Meggy became the Super Meggy Bat and Tari holds her ! SMG4 tried to attack her but Tari hit him with the bat, then she starts to hit him many times ! SMG4 was deafeted !

Meggy: Haha, we win loosers !

SMG3: Not yet !

Meggy: Huh ?

SMG3 gets up and and kick Tari, that makes her fall on the floor. Then he jumped against a wall and kicked Meggy in the face ! She was finally deafeted !!!

SMG3: Guys, we did it !

SMG4: Yeah !

Mario: Mario can finally takes his spaghettis back !

They takes Meggy and Tari and they locked them in the basement of the castle !

SMG3: Those girls arent gonna bother us again !

SMG4: Yeah, you're right !

Mario: Yipee !

SMG4 and SMG3 lives together a happy life, and Mario eated all the spaghettis he wanted !



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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SMG4 Dark Fanfiction (Meggy and Tari vs SMG3 and SMG4)Where stories live. Discover now