Untitled Part 8

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Andrew was not late for class today, but he was extremely grumpy. He dragged his feet to the classroom as if his legs were made of titanium. His hair was floppy over his forehead, but sticking out on the back, and he had dark shadows under his eyes. More notoriously, he had a deep frown set firmly on his face. He looked just about to punch the first person who annoyed him. 

"Hey, Andrew," said Kestrel brightly. "Oh, you don't look well. Did you get enough sleep last night?" 

Kestrel was only a little bit shorter than Andrew, with straight golden hair longer in the front, shorter in the back, and impressive blue eyes that glittered like sapphires. Andrew had known him almost all his life, and it made him feel quite guilty to hide such a huge secret from him. 

Andrew would have liked to tell his friend that no, he did not get enough sleep. First, on account of the wizard in the other fantasy world, and second, because of the video games. But Andrew knew it was pointless. Every time he had tried to tell Kestrel about his own role in the fantasy world, Kestrel looked at him like he was crazy. 

And he only kind of was. 

Kestrel mirrored in the fantasy world as Urbin Goldensoul, but he never seemed to remember. As Urbin, he had no idea he had another identity as Kestrel Simons, who also went to school with Andrew. And as Kestrel Simons, he had no memory whatsoever of becoming Urbin Goldensoul whenever Andrew dragged him to the fantasy world. 

Andrew had once thought this was curious. Now, he was just used to it. 

"Yeah, I didn't. I was playing with Luke," he said, which was something that Kestrel would not call him crazy for. 

"Luke?" said Kestrel. "Isn't he the guy..." he began, then raised his hands to his sides, indicating a large volume. 

"Yeah, that guy. He's giving me Roblox Premium."

Kestrel yelped. "Oh, my bananas! I want it too!" 

Andrew didn't think that would be a problem. He could just as easily share Luke's password with Kestrel and Luke would never have to find out. Not unless either of them went running their mouths, but they weren't about to do that. Free Roblox Premium? No, they could keep it a secret. 

"I'll give you the password."

"You'll give me Luke's password?" he asked. "Is he okay with that?" 

Like Urbin, Kestrel was a straight arrow. He had strong morals and followed them as a rule. He would not be pleased to know of Andrew's plan. That's why Andrew was not going to tell him. 

"He won't mind." This was a lie, or at least, a plausible lie. Andrew hadn't asked Luke if he could share his password with other people, and he had no intention of asking just in case he said no. It was best to just lie by omission than ask and be refused. 

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