Totally Not Suspicious Muttering

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Vonaias was lazily swaying on Acheron's back. He had been thinking over and over about the events from the previous night. 

"Ego sum confusus," Vonaias muttered to himself, reverting to Latin. He always spoke in Latin to himself, especially when he was feeling confused. Because he had no idea where to go looking for his friends. Andrew's friends, that is. He had hoped they would not have gone too far, but it was now mid morning and he had found nothing out of the ordinary. The road was still deserted, and before him lay nothing but rocks on the path that led to the port. 

Next to him rode his friend Urbin, gloriously mounted on his pony, beaming about him because that is just the type of person Urbin was. However, riding just behind him, mounted on the edge of Phlegeton, Urbin's pony, was an inconsolable Lovan Dilfondon. 

The wizard was looking at him with narrowed eyes, as if he suspected Vonaias for doing something terrible. 

Vonaias did not pay him much attention. Lovan Dilfondon was still tied up and riding behind a very powerful paladin, one who would stop him from attempting anything suspicious. 

So, they rode on. They rode until the sun was high and hot over their heads and they had to stop for a rest, mostly because Vonaias seemed to be coming down with a headache. 

He didn't often get any headaches. Vonaias was a healthy elf, strong and stealthy and quite handsome to boot. But his forehead was pounding, and he needed to get off his horse, drink some Metamoon Prime and lie down for a few minutes. 

Suddenly, his mind swelled and throbbed, all his memories blurred, making it impossible for him to recall anything from the past... perhaps twenty days. He remembered his identity as Andrew, but nothing concrete. It felt as if his memories were being syphoned out of his mind... stolen. 

He looked around, helpless, and his eyes found Lovan Dilfondon. The wizard had been chanting for over an hour now, and the sound had become so intolerably loud that Vonaias could do nothing to block it out. 

Vonaias knew a few incantations, some spells, and he instantly recognized them as Dilfondon continued to chant. They were dangerous words belonging to a dangerous spell. 

"NO," Vonaias gasped, "What do you think you're doing?" 

But he knew what the wizard was doing. This was a mind-reading spell, and his memories were now being stolen by Lovan Dilfondon. He had lost their money gambling while Urbin slept, he killed the innkeeper and their friends when they demanded payment, he pooped his pants that one time, he stole some of Urbin's banana bread while he slept, and he stole... he stole the cape! He stole the cape right out of Dilfondon's shoulders! And then... the memories stretched from the fantasy world to the real world. 

Andrew got Roblox Premium from Luke, then offered to give the password to Kestrel without permission, he allowed Luke to copy the answers from his own test when he needed them, he slapped Jasper on the face when he scared him, and he used Bong to run away from it. He used Bong, the magical cape that he stole from Dilfondon in the fantasy world. Andrew broke the rules and brought something back, when he knew he wasn't supposed to. 

"Stop it!" Vonaias yelled, trying to block his mind from the mind-reading spell. 

Lovan Dilfondon smiled, and the pain intensified and his memories continued to be robbed. 

"I'm sorry?" the wizard asked. "Did you say something?" 

He was trying to appear innocent, as if nothing out of the ordinary was happenig at all. But Vonaias knew better. He had barged into his mind and stolen precious memories. He would not withstand this! 

He got to his feet, reached for his rapier and pointed it straight at Lovan's neck. 

"What are you doing?" he asked menacingly, careful to keep his voice down in case Urbin, who was playing with the horses, heard.

"I am not doing anything," said Dilfondon, and another bout of memories left Vonaias's mind. 

Vonaias screamed, and Urbin turned. "What is happening?" 

Suddenly, the pain eased a bit, and Vonaias took a moment to gather his strength. He took a deep breath and yelled "YOU! I AM GOING TO PUNCH YOUR BIG UGLY FACE IN!" and he lunged for Dilfondon. 

Urbin was there in a second, stopping him with his entire strength. "Vonaias, for Anubis's sake, what is going on?" 

Dilfondon smiled wickedly, as if silently daring Vonaias to come clean. 

Vonaias had to take deep, calming breaths. He couldn't let Urbin know the truth, because if he did, it wouldn't make any difference. Every time he had tried explaining to him that he was someone else from another world, Urbin merely farted without a care in the world. And, he did not want to confess that he had stolen something. Urbin would not like that in the slightest. 

"Nothing," said Vonaias, choking on the word. "I... hm, nothing. Or why don't you ask Dilfondon over here?" he was so angry his fists were shaking. 

Urbin turned to the wizard. "Excuse me, Mr Dildondon. Is anything the matter?" 

Lovan looked completely confused. "I'm afraid I have no idea what has brought on this blatant display of uncalled for violence. I have never seen anything like it!" 

Vonaias could have throttled him, but he took another calming breath and thought of of the pleasure it would bring him running the wizard through with his rapier, the next time Urbin was not looking. It helped. 

Urbin looked between them. "Alright, just don't get into more trouble. I can smell the sea now, I suspect we are close to the port."

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