Logan's Evil Plan to Get Andrew into Trouble

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Choir class was uncomfortable from beginning to end. Logan sat next to Andrew, and every time Andrew opened his mouth, he would say annoying things like, "Your singing sucks." 

Andrew couldn't hold his anger much longer, and at some point replied, "At least I can sing, unlike you, Lovan Dilfondon Billy Poop."

But Logan/Lovan only looked annoyingly smug. "I'll fight you any time when we get back to the other world. For now, I am a good boy and I am not about to get in trouble." Suddenly, the boy raised his hand, calling the teacher's attention. 

"Yes, Logan. What is it?" asked Mr Jensen. 

"Sir, could I please switch places? This boy keeps talking and saying some really rude things about you," he said, nodding in Andrew's direction. 

Mr Jensen looked confused, because he got on really well with Andrew, as he was his private drums and ensemble teacher. But he also looked like he did not want to antagonize the new boy, so he allowed him to switch places, and Andrew did not get into trouble, but he was definitely annoyed. 

When the bell rang for recess, Andrew and his friends went straight to the library. 

"Hey, does anybody actually like that new kid?" asked Jasper in a whisper because they were in the library. "He seems really annoying and dumb."

"Yeah, and he keeps going after Andrew," said Henry II. 

"Do you know him?" asked Henry I. 

"Uhhh... no? No, of course not. He is a transfer student from... from... from... somewhere," Andrew replied. 

It was as if he had been magically summoned there. Logan walked around a corner to where Andrew sat on beanbags surrounded by his friends, and said, "Oh, look. The thief."

The words did not sit well with Andrew. Even though there was a bit of truth there--after all, Vonaias had taken Dilfondon's cape without his permission, Andrew did not like the sound of the word 'thief', especially since he was probably, eventually going to return it. Not now, though. Andrew liked Bong way too much to give it back so soon. But still, he was a rogue, not a paladin. He knew he was trying to justify his actions, but that didn't mean he was going to accept Logan's words. 

"Well, at least I'm no pirate," said Andrew dryly.

Logan's eyes widened. "I am no such thing!" 

"Yes, you are. You set a trap on me to stop me from getting to the port, because you were working for Farthead all along! You are a crooked, evil, gold-digging good-for-nothing wannabe wizard pirate, and I feel sorry for you."

At this point, all of Andrew's friends were looking between them with confusion on their faces. Jasper was frowning, silently mouthing the word 'pirate' as if he had no idea where that had come from. 

Logan took a few steps forward, and Andrew stood up to face him until they were so close they could feel each other's panting breaths. 

"Well at least I don't have to depend on someone else to get me out of trouble," said Logan, his eyes suddenly on Kestrel, who looked confused. 

Andrew knew a threat when he heard one, and Logan was implying something related to Kestrel/Urbin. 

"That's right," said Logan. "I know your secret. Would you like me to tell your friends?" 

Andrew inhaled sharply, nostrils flared. "Shut up!" and he shoved him. 

Logan took a few steps back and almost fell over. He would have toppled to the ground if there hadn't been a shelf right behind him. So, he took advantage of his position and lunged forward, trying to grab Andrew's legs and trip him. 

Andrew was sort of ready for that, so he managed to sidestep, but Logan still caught the elastic of his pants and dragged him back. 

Andrew turned around as he was being pulled and pushed as hard as he could. Logan, who was still holding onto him, lost his balance and with the force of Andrew's shove, toppled back straight into the bookshelf, with Andrew right on top of him. The shelf began to sway until it finally fell back with a deafening thump and hundreds of books fell out of the shelves. 

Mrs. Coles, the librarian, was upon them like a vulture. "What have you done!? What has happened here?! Who is responsible for this?!"

Andrew and Logan were soon taken to the principal's office, where the worst happened. Andrew wanted to go to his dorm. He wanted to just go have dinner with his friends. He wanted to play videogames with Bong and forget about everything. But instead, he had been given the worst punishment of his life. 

For the next two weeks, he and Logan were expected in the library as soon as classes were over, to clean, and they wouldn't be allowed back into their dorms until 8 at night. The last thing Andrew needed, to be forced to spend more time with Logan Dillofon.

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