October 22, 2023 P.M

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I was able to get to work just fine which is good but it was not at the time but I wanted to. I was ready to blow if I remember correctly. But that is so I am going to talk to you about one of my favourite shows first of all Disney kinda took me off because they ended up saying that they need payment and I don't have payment which is kind of a pain in the arse for me but anyways, I still have Netflix, and one of my favourite shows involves cleaning, which is cobra Kai, especially with Maigoi go Karate, where you end up doing the wax on wax off routine where you end up learning to clean, as well as train your body to be a lot more powerful than you think, and when I go to work, I don't just go to work. I also want to meditate just like in Miyagi do karate. Where I end up learning to be with myself while trying to clean up a place. And I find out that I'm getting pretty strong, but there's one character in this cobra Kai series that I really can't stand. I'll show you who he is one day but well you know who is sweep the leg John Kreese.

This boy think you can get away with everything because he supposedly has PTSD and those keys in the show I called him a tasty Twirl, or a faker when it comes to PTSD another words, a psychopath. Here's one for the record box as he is nothing more than sweep the leg. He's not a very good person to begin with, and he makes mantle. Wellness look like a pile of crap. Well, it's not exactly ideal that I have a mental wellness plan is not for me completely ID only if you're going to be a psychopath. Making it even more undesirable for you. Why I can't stand this guy he's a psychopath no difference from or anything from kill Bill. He is nothing more than a yakuza in my opinion, a Yakuza in my opinion doesn't always have to be in Japanese mafia. It just Has to me that you're no it's enough to use a samurai sword of you blame the delay on this floor, which is fine or not right for the whole thing it's not interesting to see someone who's supposed to be emotionally unbalance to go use a samurai sword that slasher flicks stuff if you that is not right in my opinion, he has a couple tattoo less Yakuza.  Do you have to be a gentleman? Yakuza obviously know John Kreese has showing us that anyone could be Acuña and it's kind of embarrassing for everyone water like me or you're over there French ethnicity that's one thing but I just don't like the idea that anyone to be like a yakuza.
I know this guy was a bad guy in the karate kid movie but anyway, he didn't think he was gonna go around with weapons on Waze JoJo anyways, that's something that is a no go for me and samurai swords in the karate dojo even know so I might use them. For decorations to the teacher continues to Dom in theI know this guy was a bad guy in the karate kid movie but anyway, he didn't think he was going to go around with weapons in movies dojo anyways, is that something that is a no go for me and samurai swords in a karate don't know even though some might use them. For decorations to the teacher continues to have in the first place is going to sickening in my opinion, be able to use samurai sword the freeway, Andrew actually be insane not PTSD but I actually insane. This is what I think is really wrong in the martial arts community. I've gone martial arts for a long time and I've never had a psychotic episode or anything like that or any behaviour similar to this jack ass.

This guy, John Kreese from the actual cobra, Kai dojo and the actual martial arts, where Henry on all time he's actually one i find should be a Quentin Tarantino character as he is completely nuts and off o his rails.

This train wreck was nothing more than supposed to be a one time or three time character in the trilogy movies. Now he's in the cobra, Kai saying that aggravating is the fact that he ends up using PTSD as an excuse of it is no different from Oren Ishii from kill Bill, shame on him for using PTSD to be using that as an example to be a bad guy. I have been martial arts long time in my life. I am never once had an inkling to do anything wrong in my life not even a prank I'd rather just try to chill. I always clean person or no Peter side and go and joy my life as it is. This is why I do not like the idea of psychopaths going in the martial arts. I think that they should be more or less have a psychiatric test before you go in the martial arts because this is what kind of force you get into trouble with. Is so bad this John craze. I'd like to punch him in the nose. The guy who actually plays John Kreese is actually doing a good job making me hate him. He is a good actor on the last button. Yes, girl hey dementia hate everything in the world and that is what he is doing just fine! He is paid well for his job and I don't blame them for paying him a big box for his role in cobra Kai because he is a pain in the arse his character that is.

Who is tasty tomorrow as I call someone who fakes PTSD is a pain in my hours as far as cobra Kai is concerned as much is I like wearing about the different mindfulness activities from the Miyagi do karate and the anger management from cobra Kai as much as I can learn self-respecting self control from the show takes a lot of self control self-respect North a call this guy a bad word, or Lisa Parker on the show because it's kind of aggravated a deal with this, John kreese. It's inspiring to see how annoying this tasty twirl is so annoying that it makes me want to be a better person actually to be a better person with PTSD and to be able to cope better with my PTSD and see where I can go at least my PTSD is not imaginary or fake. Where is this tasty total as I called him he's a fake son of a gun.   And I'm done with the stereo types of PTSD really what PTSD is Israel's just emotion and nightmares and flashbacks another psychological problems especially emotions when you are dealing with that event in your life which is completely normal. What is tasty twirl as I call him is actually a psychopath and that is not the ideal way to deal with you trauma when I deal with PTSD I deal with it with a paintbrush, not a  fist or a samurai sword, and I use restaurants to help me cope with my symptoms, as well as I need a lot of different medication that I unfortunately have to take that. I usually do crystals to help me as a healing crystals to help me cope with PTSD. The next day will I will talk to you about the damn phone crystals good for people with PTSD in the first place instead of just having a take the right medication.

What is Frank is the PTSD cause they just the man who I was not a mental sickness. And I'm gonna be frank about that right now. Metal sick message psychopathy or sociopathy. The idea that someone can be psychopath again. Blame it on. PTSD just drives me completely battier  to use them there. Which makes me want to scream when I think about is kind of characters that are on TV saying that they do stupid stuff because of PTSD yeah well I had my PTSD since I was a young child and I've never really pulled anything that was a gradients or leave all the lol or involve the rules to be broken. This is the kind of thing that I'd rather stay clear of. And I even when I get martial arts, I stayed away from the yakuza and I stay clear of drugs, alcohol and smoking still new to this day, and I'd rather just trying to live a life of decency like Daniel LaRusso that's a better way of trying to deal with your PTSD instead of trying to act a fool or act, like an animal with a samurai sword, or some kind of god-awful weapon.    How to deal with your PTSD is to clean like a son of a gun like Daniel LaRusso would do or to do mindfulness do something creative or do something that's going to help you grow as a human being being an animal is not exactly ideal way to deal with PTSD. I would rather be crying my eyes have been punching someone in the face, but that's just my stance on the whole PTSD thing is that I'd rather be crying instead of sacking (punching) and someone in the face.
That being said, I think there's more peaceful way to PTSD person without being a jerk. There's a lot of ways you can go about suffering or coping with PTSD, then acting like a Quentin Tarantino character and I'm sorry if I hungry, but this kind of thing we should not Laura find the bad side of my homework in Spanish glorify the hard work someone does to go over and over come the mental illness instead.
If I had my choice of characters, I would rather someone else instead of John Cruz to be in cobra Kai. But as I said, I was more or less didn't think he was going to show up at the first or second different episodes that's when I realize he was gonna be there forever. He's annoying to me.
I don't like how John crazy Asians, PTSD, and his character to act like an idiot in his character. That's what I'm trying to say when they're a good meaning people who have PTSD breather really suffering or they're trying to overcome the whole situation in the first place and I don't need this stereotype to begin with in the first place distance makes it harder to deal with, and the stigma even worse to Cole Porter. Let's pray for us take my love, either violent people or yakuza like people in the PTSD community!
End of rant

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