Chapter 15: Annoying ninja's

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I waited beside Lloyds dragon, a bit cold as the nights frost finally came to me. The dragon purred as i stroked it. "He's gonna come back.. right.. just as promised?" I said as i looked back towards the dragon. Which it nuzzled its large nose into my small hand.

Around 1 hour or so went by and i could hear police sirens and see the lights cascade shadows from where the light didn't hit.

I stood still next to the green dragon. A part of me worried about Lloyd. Was he safe? Should i go? What do i do..? My feet began to slowly walk forward until i was once again lifted off the ground, the nape of my neck felt a warm breathe as it breathed, a few strands of my hair whisked in the breeze. I turned my head slightly to see the dragon had grabbed the back of my hoodie by it's jaw and was holding me up.

"Cmon... i need to go see Lloyd.. I need to see if he's ok. Can't you do me a solid?" I pleaded with a dragon. Wow. If i wasn't anymore embarrassed by myself in the future...

The dragon shook it's head slightly making me swivel a bit too. "Ok ok.. I get the hint." I said rolling my eyes and sighed defeatedly. "You can put my down now" I added. The dragon obeyed and placed me back to where i was before.

Instead of going against my word, i stood there with the green dragon. Still waiting for Lloyd to come back. "Does he.. always get this side-tracked?" I asked to the dragon. It turned an eye to me and nodded slowly. I giggled. "Do you have a name?". The dragon then nodded again. "Did Lloyd give you it?" I replied.

The dragon, seemingly not heard what i said, didn't shake or nod. It just stayed now. It's eyes fixed on something and i planned to find out what. "What is it..?" I asked in a hushed tone, as i turned towards where the dragons eyes were fixed.

"Whoever you are.. Come out! Now!" I said now raising my voice. A chuckle came from the darkness and emerged to where me and Lloyds dragon were. "Aaa you caught mee" Lloyd said giggling.

"Ugh! You had me going for a moment there Lloyd!" I scolded as i scoffed and rolled my eyes again. "I know i would've, but seeing you being so inquisitive about me and asking about me to my dragon. It was something i daren't disturb." He said smirking.

I felt my face flush red from embarrassment. "How much did you hear?" I asked him. "Everything" He said grinning evilly. I just made a 'hpmh' noise and turned my head away, until i began thinking. Wait. How did he notice? How could he tell.? He was so far away.. Was he?

"How were you able to hear me from so far.." I breathed out, shoulders relaxing but my brows furrowing in confusion. No human can hear that far from where me and his dragon were. Atleast.. no normal human..

Lloyd stayed quiet for a moment, realising his mistake. He quickly made up an excuse "Why'd you wanna know so badly?" He said turning back to cocky once more. This was definitely the work of kai.

I scoffed and sighed "fine then, don't tell me". I avoided all eye contact with Lloyd as we played the 'silent game'. But i eventually talked first .I'm too easy to crack sometimes.. "Lloyd.."

"Hmm?" He hummed, looking at me.

"Do you like being the green ninja? I mean.. is it, worth it, for all the trouble you guys go through, it sure must be alot." I say, a bit of concern laced in my voice. Lloyd listens and nods, he paused and thinks for a moment about his answer.

"It's worth it all. It means families can live safely, it means that everyone can have some normality to their lives and not have to constantly live in fear. Plus, someones always got to help. Even though, yeah, we face hardships and struggles and it leads us onto another different path, me and the gang do get some good memories together that we laugh about.." He paused and a small smile crept onto his lips "heck.. I even remember when we were first up against the overlord and even then.. we all were laughing and joking"

Lloyd began to walk past me, in a much relaxed state. I turned around to see his dragon had disappeared. My mouth dropped in shock. "W-where? What?". Lloyd turned his head "Hm? Oh. Yeah.. i can bring him back if that's what you're wondering"

"It's a he? What's his name?" I asked. "I honestly don't know haha.." He chuckled nervously. "How can you have a pet dragon and not name it.?" I said staring at him blanky. "He's not a pet. He's apart of me.. my elemental powers" Lloyd corrected.

"Exactly and i think you should name him" I said proudly and more confident. Lloyd let out a chuckle and said "why don't you come up with a name then?". He raised a brow at me as he waited. "As if in.. now?" my brows furrowed as i said it. "Yeah, if you're so determined then name my dragon" He said with a cocky smile.

I scrunched my nose before saying in a joking manner "don't give me cheek Lloyd garmadon. You don't wanna catch these fists.". Lloyd smiled and then rolled his eyes "whatever, i bet you couldn't even land a punch on my arm, let alone anywhere else". "Well i bet i could." I said sternly.

"I'll give you a right foot uppercut if you're not careful" I crossed my arms proudly. At this point he just yawned and stretched "Mhmm, keep believing that Y/N, I'm sure one day you'll be so delulu that not even the phsyc ward won't want ya."

"Now that's just cruel. AND I AM NOT DELULU" I stared daggers into the back of his head. "Besides i don't have freaky hearing or quick as fuck reflexes do i, genius."

"Aww thank you for the compliment, i am quite a genius, it's a talent i've always posessed" He said smirking at me. This made my blood boil a bit. Why was he so annoying? He's meant to be a leader.. the most sensible. But he acts like a total child!

"You're so childish!" I say to him frowning. "Nah, I'm not, you're just mad that you're losing this argument with me.. which is really not an argument, more like a squabble or.. disagreement" He replied.

I walk past him, nudging his shoulder. "At this rate i'd take my chances at walking home, rather than spending another minute with a man-child". Lloyd watched and still had that same smirk on his face. He was not proud no. More like, 'i'm ready to annoy the shit out of you' sorta look. The look that tells people 'I won't leave you alone, no rest and no peace for you'. Literally turns into Tybalt from romeo and juliet. Peace? I hate the word.

To be or not to be? Lloyd x fem!Reader//NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now