chapter two

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Chapter two

Two months later

Everything was surprised and glad that marlena and roman are alive.

John roman, abe and bo are working together to track down Tony DiMera.

John and marlena been making love lot lately, they can't get enough of each other.

Marlena is at the hospital and she
is sitting at her desk.

She was feeling her blood test results.

Marlena was shocked that they said, Pregnant.

Marlena haven’t been feeling well lately.

Marlena thought she was coming down with something like the flu, but she began to panic.

She thought something more serious was wrong with her 

earlier today marlena went to get her blood drawn.

John and marlena always wanted to have more babies once they got back together years ago.

They certainly did all we could trying to conceive.

John and marlena making love every time they got the chance,
but didn't get pregnant.

Marlena knows this is a high risk pregnancy because of her age.

John is going to be so happy and It
is our six wedding anniversary today.

I give him the gift he's wanted the most.

Marlena said to herself.

After marlena was done work
john pick up, he has a surprise for her.

When they entered the penthouse,
There was a huge banner that said HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and the kids yelled surprise.

Marlena shocked and see all of their children standing in the middle of the living room, with big smiles on their faces. 

“John, did you know about this?.

Marlena asked him.

John nods his head as he grabs marlena's hand and says.

Happy anniversary sweetheart
and i want us to renewal our vows.

I already got you a dress and i did call father James, he coming here to do our ceremony

I love you.

Marlena told her husband as she has tears in her eyes.

I love you to, doc.

John told marlena and he kisses her on the lips.

Marlena was wearing a white simple sheath gown.

She completed the look with the diamond drop earrings that matched the necklace that john got her.

Marlena slowly walked down the stairs.

She saw all children's standing in the living room.

Brady, sami, belle, carrie and Eric.

Marlena smiling at john was she walks to him.

John smiles at marlena as he takes her hand.

Father James looks at john and marlena says.

You promised to love, honor and cherish one another through it all.

And while life has brought you both wonderful blessings and difficult challenges over the years.

here you are today, having fulfilled the vows to love, honor and cherish each other, and God is smiling on you!.

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