chapter three

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Chapter three.

Two weeks later.

John was amazing husband to marlena.

John had done everything marlena had asked without a single complaint, and once he had learned that cologne was not an option for the next eight months he had held her hair as she'd gotten sick.

when the fatigue had set in a couple days after marlrna found out she was pregnant, john had laid in bed with her for hours.

John didn't leave her side and talk to their baby that is growing inside marlena's stomach.

Marlena due date is February 26, 2006.

John came out from the kitchen and he saw that marlena sleeping on the couch.

John smiles as he walks over to the couch and he leaned down to kiss marlena's forehead gently before he pulling a blanket over her.

He couldn't have his wife and baby getting cold.

John knew that they were going to have a long few months ahead of them, because marlena's pregnant is high risk due to her age.

John knew that their lives were about to get crazier than they ever could imagine. But he knew it was worth it, Because in a few weeks marlena's stomach would start to grow, and in a few months.

He would be able to feel his baby move in his wife's stomach.

One hour later.


Marlena whispered from the couch and she open her eyes to look at him.

"What's up?.

John asked as he rushing to marlena's side and he kneeling in front of her.

He gently running a hand through her hair.

"I'm still tired, But I can't sleep.

Marlena told her husband.

"Okay, What do you want me to do?.

John asked his wife.

let's just talk about baby.

Marlena said to her husband.

"I can do that.

John said as he lying down beside marlena on the couch.

I can't wait to be a dad again,
I'll be here for everything,
Every craving, every moment of false labor, the swollen ankles,
I want to be here for all of it.

I have away felt bad that I wasn't there when you was pregnant wirh belle.

John told his wife as herest his head against her stomach.

John that wasn't your fault because we thought belle was Roman's daughter at the time.

Marlena told her husband.

I know, but i will be here for this pregnancy, i promise.

John told his wife.

I know, you will.

Marlena said to her husband as his hand stroked her stomach.

I love you, john.

Marlena told him.

I love you too, sweetheart.

John told his wife.

Later that night.

Marlena and john are sleeping in their bed.

Marlena is having a nightmare.

Marlena came running into the ER, She ran straight into bo

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