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((Y/N)= Your name
[C/C]= Clothing color
[E/C]= Eye color)

A red and yellow circus tent can be seen from the outside, the dark entrance keeping the rest of the world from peeking inside, unless one gets close enough. Inside, a much more colorful world unfolds, presenting a gigantic space filled with toys, curtains, stars, rainbows, a childish wonderland very much resembling a kid's indoor playground, but, strangely, with a lack of kids. Or any sort of being.

Suddenly, this emptiness is shattered when someone walks out from a circular hallway, stepping into the lowest floor of the circus tent. A cartoonish male, dressed in a white shirt, wearing a pair of [C/C] pants and a [C/C] vest, a slightly twisted up belt with a sheath for a cartonish saber, a black pirate hat and, finally, an eyepatch, which was pushed up, revealing both of his [E/C] eyes. A little green parrot with a matching eyepatch sat on his shoulder, though the parrot's patch was on the opposite eye of the pirate.

The toon pirate was soon followed by a second figure. This second person was a ragdoll, around the same height as the pirate, a girl dressed in a blue, patched up dress, her red hair reaching just above her shoulders. One of her eyes was a button, while the other one was normal, her nose being a pink triangle in the middle of her face.

The two seemed to talk as they walked together.

The pirate looked at the ragdoll, his expression showing concern. "... And he has been kinda restless lately. Sometimes I find him randomly around the place, looking for... something."

The ragdoll looked at him with a smile. "He probably lost some of his props and he's looking for it."

The pirate rubs his chin as he closes his eyes, deep in thought.

"Could be... I'm not sure though. He could always just ask Caine for new ones instead of looking for something lost." The pirate said, considering the Ragdoll's theory.

The red haired girl chuckled a bit, putting a hand on the pirate's shoulder, patting it. "I'm sure he'll be fineeee, (Y/N). Worrying about him is one of the last things Kaufmo would want, don't you think?"

"Well, maybe. I'll still check him every now and then to make sure he's cool." The pirate, now known as (Y/N) said, then pointing at his patch. "If my patch is Kaufmo, and then my eye is my eye..."

He then flipped it back down, covering his left eye with the patch.

"... I've got my eye on him." (Y/N) said, giving her a slight smile. "I might be overthinking this a bit too much though."

Both (Y/N) and the doll laughted a bit together, then stopping a couple meters away from a stage, set in the center of the tent.

"You always do." The doll said. "With how much you worry about us, you'll go crazy before anyone else does."

Rolling his eyes, (Y/N) Pointed at her with his right hand, looking at her with half-lidded eyes and a little smile.

"Yeaaaah, don't jinx it, Ragatha." He said, jokingly, finally mentioning the doll's name.

Both of em shared one last laugh, before Ragatha stopped to continue the conversation.

"Well, I'll go to my room to take a nap." Ragatha said, poiting behind her with her thumb, presumably in her room's direction.

(Y/N) gave a little nod. "Rest well then."

With that, Ragatha turned around, starting to walk away. Before she was left, she turned her torso to look back at (Y/N), lifting her hand to wave him goodbye while saying. "Bye!"

In echange, (Y/N) also waved back, although his movement was much lower and less energetic. With a calm smile, he turned around, walking in his own direction, looking around as he left.


A couple minutes later, (Y/N) can now be seen walking in a different part of the tent, one with a lot less light and much less busy part too, since they barely went to some parts of the circus at all.

Scanning the area with his eyes, the pirate had been looking for Kaufmo for a while, with no luck in actually finding him.

"You really make keeping up with you a bit difficult." (Y/N) said to himself, looking around as he walked on.

As soon as he turned a corner, he came across with the exact person he was looking for, Kaufmo. Sitting on the floor, there was a tall, water drop shaped clown, wearing a full, yellow clown suit, along with a pointy clown hat.

Gaining a small smile once again, (Y/N) walked forward and towards the clown.

"There you are! Dude, do you know how long it took me to find you?" (Y/N) was quick to sit down besides the clown. "At least 20 minutes."

With a chuckle, (Y/N) looked up at Kaufmo, quickly stopping as he noticed that the clown had not reacted at all to his joke.

"Is something up? You usually laugh at my lame stuff." (Y/N) asked, confused at the unusual behaviour of his friend.

Looking forward, Kaufmo simply stared into nothing, his sight clearly lost as he did not answer for a good couple of seconds.

"... (Y/N), rememeber when we all gave up on finding an exit?" He said, his usually cheerful voice a lot more somber now.

Completely thrown off by this, (Y/N) stared up at Kaufmo, raising an eyebrow in confusion. He scratched his head a bit from under his hat as he looked down at the floor.

"Um, I don't exactly remember. That was probably years ago by now." (Y/N) shifted his gaze from the floor to look up at Kaufmo again. "Why do you ask?"

"... W-Why did we give up?" Kaufmo said, without taking his eyes off from whatever he was looking at. If he was looking at something, that is.

(Y/N) gave Kaufmo a nervous chuckle. "C'mon Kaufmo, after a while we realized there just wasn't an exit-"

"But there's gotta be! T-there's..." Kaufmo exclaimed, finally looking down at (Y/N), then bringing his knees closer to his body, hugging them. "...gotta be. There needs to be a way out... R-right? I s-saw it!"

The pirate looked up at his friend, showing concern once again. He then pushed up his body, now resting his weight on his knees.

"So, you're still dwelling on it? An exit?" (Y/N) said, looking at the groung for a bit. He then looked back at Kaufmo. "Look, I want there to be a way to leave. I want to go back to my old life. As much as you. But... we looked for years and found nothing. Maybe one day we will be free!"

Kaufmo looked at (Y/N) who put his arm on his shoulder, a frown on his face. Then, a small smile formed on his face.

"Maybe one day there will be a way to leave. But for now, there is no way out." (Y/N) said, putting his hand off Kaufmo's shoulder. "We need to stay strong. The same way we've been doing for years now."

Kaufmo looked at the floor, his eyes wide while he whispered "No way out", which (Y/N) did not hear. After that, (Y/N) stood up, lending his hand to Kaufmo, who took it after a moment of just staring. (Y/N) pulled him up, making the clown stand up to his full height.

"Maybe one day." (Y/N) said, giving Kaufmo a small, nervous smile.

Kaufmo replied with another smile, just as unsure. "Y-yeah... maybe one day..."

"Do you wanna go to your room? A bit of sleep will fix you right up." (Y/N) asked, his tone a bit happier now.

Kaufmo, who was staring off into nothing again, for whatever reason, nodded a couple times. "...I could go for a nap now..."

With that, both of them turned around, walking away from the place where (Y/N) had found Kaufmo, and back towards the center of the tent.

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