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After the song had been butchered by the newcomer, all 8 pairs of eyes set on her, watching as she stepped back in fear. Jax was the first one to lift his hand to point at her, looking up at Caine as he did.

"Caine, is this one of your NPCs or is this a new sucker?" Jax said, his voice kind of annoyed. "Cause if it's a new character, we're gonna have to re-do this whole theme song~!"

"I'm not doing that again." Zooble said as she frowned and crossed her arms.

(Y/N) placed both is his hands on his hips, raising an eyebrow. "Why do we need to do the theme song anyways? It's not like we don't know eachother by now."

"My my, it appears a new human has entered this realm!" Caine said, excited as he looked down at the jester girl, both of his arms held up.

Everyone refocused back on her as they heard the sound of rubber being stretched. The jester was now fulling at her cheek with her right hand, and pulling at her black lower eyelid with her other hand.

"How do I... take this... headset off?!" She asked, applying more and more force, pulling harder and harder.

With his eyes widening a bit, (Y/N) looked at her with a shocked expression.

"Hey, stop that! In what world does pulling at your eyelid sound like a good idea to you?" He scloded, using his right hand to point at his own eye, ironically, covered eye.

The jester, however, did not hear to the advice, pulling even harder instead. She had now completely popped her eye out of it's socket at this point. Finally, her strenght wasn't enough to pull anymore, making her eye to shot right back into it's socket, making her face wobble a bit.

Once she had finished trying to get rid of her headset, she looked at her hand.

" ...What's going on? I-I-I put on some weird headset and now I'm.... here?" She said, trailing off at the end

She turned, now facing the whole group once again.

"Who are you people? Why can't I take it off? Where am I?!" The jester exclaimed, her pupils becoming small as a sign of her stress.

Ragatha lifte both of her hands, looking at her with sympathy

"Let's just try to calm down. Everything's gonna be okay, new stuff." Ragatha said, making her way to stand right next to the jester. "We've all been through this. You just need to get your head to-"

"What the (BOING!) is going on?!" The jester screamed, interrupting Ragatha as her swear was censored. This, obviously, confuses her. "...What-?"

Quickly, Caine flies down, now much closer to the group than before.

"Now, now, now, my dear, we can't have any of that foul language around here." He said, pointing at the jester as he did. "The Amazing Digital Circus is a place to be enjoyed by all ages."

He pointed at her with his cane, while the jester just stared back at him with a frown.

"You, my friend, stumbled into an incredible world of wonders where anything can happen!" Caine said, very excited, before looking side to side. "Except for swearing."

As soon as Caine said this, the jester started to throw swears non-stop, one after the other being censored just like she was told would happen. (Y/N) chuckled, gaining the attention of the jester.

"Don't bother, we've tried everything." He said, amused. "Even [@#*☆~&] is considered a swear word here."

The jester stares at him for a few seconds, to the point where even (Y/N) himself noticed, looking at her slightly confused.

A new member of the crew! (The Amazing Digital Circus x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now