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In a bed resembling a boat, (Y/N) sleeps peacefully, a little smile on his face as his abdomen slowly and silently moves up and down, his hat over his eyes, covering them. His room was filled with all sorts of stuff, including a painting of a tropical beach, a sea-shell collection and a treasure chest, full of golden coins and jewels.

As he slept, a quiet voice, almost a whisper, was beggining to be heard.

"(Y/N)" The whisper spoke.

Not a heavy sleeper, (Y/N) was disturbed enough to partially wake up, opening his eyes for a second, but then closing them again.

"(Y/N)...?" It whispered a second time.

Now fully awaken, (Y/N) pushed his hat up, moving it out of the way for his eyes. For a few seconds, he stayed silent, wanting to confirm that he had indeed heard something.

"(Y/N)!" The whisper continued, this time a little louder.

The pirate, hearing the eerie voice clearly now, simply looked at his ceiling with a slight frown as his eyes showed a little bit of worry.

"Am I hearing things again? It's b-been a while." (Y/N) said, lifting a hand to rub his head, in an attempt to lessen his nerves.

"Actually..." The voice said once again.

After that, the noise of the door opening more, along with the light that came from the hallway, made (Y/N) look towards the entrance of his room, where the owner of the voice was. Standing there was a little theatre tragedy mask, with a body made up completely by a red ribbon. The mask stood in aside from his door, a pair of tears already ob each of her eyes.

With relief, (Y/N) laughted a tad bit, then sitting up on his bed, looking at the mask with a small smile on his face.

"Oh, it's just you, Gangle. That's a relief." (Y/N) said, his eyes leaving Gangle to stare off into the rooms wall. "F-for a moment I thought I was going crazy."

He spent a couple seconds just staring at his wall, making it so even Gangle became a little worried, following his eyes to look into what had him so entranced, being met with a plain, simple wall, confusing her. After that, (Y/N) stare off with nothingness ended, as he refocused on Gangle.

"So, what did you need? Must have come here for something, right?" He asked the sad mask.

"We're about to do the theme song and they asked me to come get you." Gangle said in her usual delicate, almost crying voice.

Hearing this, (Y/N) turned his torso, leaving his legs to hang off the edge of the bed, quickly standing up. The parrot, who had been sitting besides the bed until now, flew over and landed back on his shoulder, as per usual.

"Well, let's go then! They might get annoyed if I take too long." (Y/N) said, taking his belt from a nearby chair, putting it around his waist.

He walked past Gangle, closing the door behind her once both of them were outside of the door. As soon as he did though, he noticed something off with the picture of his door. His ilustrated picture now had a poorly drawn mustache and beard. (Y/N) placed both of his hands on his hips, looking at it for a second.

He looked down at Gangle again, pointing at the picture.

"Did you do this?" He asked calmly.

Gangle inmediatly panicked, shaking her head from side to side.

"No! No no no, I'd never. I promise..." Gangle said, a pair of tears falling from her eyes.

(Y/N) hummed, then rolling his eyes before he disregarded the door, starting to walk towards the exit of the hallway, away from his room.

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